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PUBLIC MARKS with tags css & formulaires





by gregg & 45 others
Wufoo is the easiest way to collect information online. Our innovative HTML form builder helps anyone create beautiful forms, online surveys and invitations without writing a single line of code. [Utilisé par 37 Signals]


Comment ne pas styler les éléments de formulaire ? - Blog Alsacréations : XHTML, CSS et Standards web

by srcmax, 2 comments
La réponse est relativement simple : on ne peut pas (ou presque pas) le faire. En effet, les éléments de formulaire et autres éléments d'interaction (comme par exemple les scrollbars) sont propres aux navigateurs. En d'autre terme, il est fortement improbable d'arriver à les modifier selon une charte graphique rigoureuse, voire carrément impossible d'obtenir un rendu uniforme sur un panel de navigateurs uniquement par le biais du CSS. Ils ne gèrent qu'avec parcimonie et d'une manière qui leur est très personnelle les quelques éléments stylistiques modifiables. Dès lors, la mission se révèle perdue d'avance !

Fancy Form Design Using CSS [CSS Tutorials]

by Rik & 5 others (via)
Forms. Is there any other word that strikes as much fear into the hearts of grown web designers?

Validation Hints for your form (Ask the CSS Guy)

by hobbes & 6 others (via)
As someone is typing an in an input field, it would be nice give feedback to the user as they are typing if they have satisfied that field's validation criteria. This article will explain one way of achieving this effect using JavaScript and CSS.

A List Apart: Articles: Prettier Accessible Forms

by hobbes & 7 others
It can be time consuming to make web forms both pretty and accessible. In particular, laying out forms where the form label and input are horizontally adjacent, as in the image below, can be a real problem. We used to use tables, which worked well in this scenario—but forms don’t constitute tabular data, so it’s a semantic faux pas.



CSS-Only Forms That Don't Suck

by nhoizey & 7 others (via)
Most of the CSS-only forms available suck. So, not wanting to stoop to mediocrity, I decided to take on the task of coming up with something better. This is the result of my efforts. It works in Win/IE6, Firefox v1.0+, Win/Opera v8.0, has minor layout differences in Mac/Safari v1.0.3 and Mac/Safari v1.2, and is usable but fairly buggered in Mac/IE5.2.

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