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PUBLIC MARKS with tags css & maps


Stately | The simple map font

by srcmax
Stately is a symbol font that makes it easy to create a map of the United States using only HTML and CSS. Each state can be styled independently with CSS for making simple visualizations. And since it's a font, it scales bigger and smaller while staying sharp as a tack.


A jQuery Plugin for Zoomable, Interactive Maps - New Media Campaigns

by vrossign
asic css file is included with the demo zip. Here is some rough minimal css: view sourceprint? 1.#map { position: relative; width: 700px; height: 470px; overflow: hidden; } 2.#returnlink { display: block; position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0; } 3.#map a.bullet { display: block; position: absolute; width: 10px; height: 10px; background: yellow; } 4.#map img.zoomable { } 5.#map div.popup{ display: none; position: absolute; width: 200px; height: 300px; } 6.#map div.popup a.close{ display: block; position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0; } The code above will work just fine as a starting point. Obviously a lot of embellishment can be added to make the map look as g




web design programming blog software reference music tools css javascript art news linux google ajax blogs java webdesign howto search cool internet politics fun mac maps humor rss development photography toread technology flash tech tutorial games funny

by hurlantenova
web design programming blog software reference music tools css javascript art news linux google ajax blogs java webdesign howto search cool internet politics fun mac maps humor rss development photography toread technology flash tech tutorial games funny

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag css

3d +   accessibilité +   ajax +   animation +   apache +   api +   apple +   art +   atom +   audio +   bd +   bittorrent +   blog +   blogging +   blogs +   book +   bookmark +   bookmarks +   books +   browser +   business +   cinema +   cms +   color +   compatibility +   culture +   database + +   design +   dev +   development +   dictionnaire +   documentation +   dom +   firefox +   hack +   hacks +   html +   ie +   javascript +   reference +   standards +   support +   test +   tips +   tools +   web +   webdesign +   webdev +   xhtml +  

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