public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags culture & blogs

2024 : magazine culturel nouvelle génération

by johndoe Découvrez, le magazine culturel nouvelle génération pour une audience jeune et dynamique. Explorez des contenus riches et variés en culture, économie et lifestyle, présentés de manière captivante et accessible. n'est pas seulement un magazine, mais une communauté vivante pour les curieux et les innovateurs. Plongez dans un univers où chaque article inspire et informe, en abordant des sujets contemporains avec une approche fraîche et engageante. Rejoignez-nous pour vivre pleinement votre époque et enrichir votre quotidien.


PhiloLog - Cours de philosophie

by jeanruaud
impressionnant, le premier cours de philo pour classes terminales en ligne et en français. Avec un blog.


Cool Hunting

by leslie0809 & 16 others



by jlesage & 1 other
links to knowledge sharing or knowledge management site; larger site is most comprehensive listing of web2.0 sites I have seen, organized into many categories; blogger is from Netherlands

Proceedings of the Athanasius Kircher Society

by jlesage & 2 others
"Our interests extend to the wondrous, the curious, the singular, the esoteric, the arcane, and the sometimes hazy frontier between the plausible and the implausible." a whacky collection

No More Marriages!: Welcome To The Film Criticism Blog-a-Thon!

by jlesage
Andy Hobal's film blog runs a carnival on film criticism; the film bloggers run many blogathons and garner good accumulated comments

by jlesage & 9 others
a radio listening site: schedule listings for thousands of public radio stations and programs around the world

Scenes of Provincial Life

by jlesage
a vblog diary from someone who has a good eye and lives in a picturesque environment

Pajiba - Scathing Reviews for Bitchy People

by jlesage & 2 others
movie and tv review site, very current, well written, various authors

Design Observer: writings about design & culture

by jlesage & 1 other
very well written blog; as I have commented before, knowing about space and place is crucial for thoughtful mediamakers

Code Z: Black Visual Culture Now

by jlesage
many categories, including fine art, design, fashion, film, architecture, publishing, digital media, public policy; attractively designed site, starting Aug. 06

(Notes on) Politics, Theory & Photography

by jlesage
blog that reviews and critiques aspects of art and visual culture and photojournalism, often from an ethical standpoint

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag culture

blog +   blogging +   books +   broadcasting +   class +   class notes +   course +   education +   feminist +   gender +   pop culture +   popular +   popular culture +   students +   Tags Analysis +   women +  

Active users

last mark : 13/05/2024 16:11

last mark : 10/07/2008 15:06

last mark : 10/06/2008 18:12

last mark : 16/01/2008 15:20

last mark : 18/10/2007 18:39

last mark : 02/03/2007 16:41

last mark : 16/01/2007 21:27

last mark : 03/12/2006 17:47