public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags culture & politicaleconomy

04 December 2006

30 November 2006

Miradas--in Spanish

by jlesage
extensive critical discussion of Latin American film and TV; Cuban site

26 November 2006

media teacher's home page, lots of resouces, links pages

by jlesage
"news and journalism, film, TV, media policy, media reform activism, philosophy and social theory, urban history, contemporary American politics--\perspective informed by media history, political economy and social and cultural theory."

20 November 2006

Joel Kovel

by jlesage
many of this important writer's essays online, a psychoanalyst who has long been a political commentator

Local consumption cultures in a globalizing world by Peter Jackson

by jlesage
Focusing on the resilience of distinctive local consumption cultures, with evidence from three contrasting consumption cultures: consumption and 'public culture' in India, 'consumer nationalism' in China, and 'artful consumption' in Russia.

Geographies of Responsibility by Doreen Massey

by jlesage
on political implications of considering space within political discussions of responsibility and identity

Neoliberalizing Space

by jlesage
essay on updating space-place theory for contemporary economics

18 November 2006

13 November 2006

Internet history

by jlesage & 1 other
on other pages, find history of other important Internet developments, such as Google and PayPal

Why Work?

by jlesage
CLAWS: Creating Livable Alternatives to Wage Slavery. Since I am retired and a webmistress for a media site,, I love the idea of this site for personal reasons. But most people do have to work, so this maintains an utopian sensibility for al

Vectors Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular

by jlesage
"multiple contours of daily life in an unevenly digital era... how technology shapes, transforms, reconfigures, and/or impedes social relations...including issues of globalization, mobility, power, and access"

11 November 2006

06 November 2006

Henry Jenkins: Taking the You Out of YouTube?

by jlesage
what kinds of censorship face You Tube and My Space, in addition to the site's ownership of content?

by jlesage
visual encyclopedia that documents manufacturing processes, labor conditions and environmental impacts involved in the production of contemporary products.--summative photo essays produced by students guided by faculty

The geopolitics of knowledge and the colonial difference

by jlesage
by Walter Mignolo; "'modernity' is not a strictly European but a planetary phenomenon to which the "excluded barbarians" have contributed, although their contribution has not been acknowledged."

Invincible Cities

by jlesage
photographic exploration of two poor cities, a combination of Walter Benjamin's interest in traces and overlays with systematic, extensive visual ethnography

03 November 2006

"Flaubert's Point of View" by Pierre Bourdieu

by jlesage
complete text of long essay; Flaubert was a touchstone for Bourdieu in establishing the concept of the field of cultural production

The Forms of Capital

by jlesage
Bourdieu on economic, cultural, and social capital; full text essay

02 November 2006

Radical Graphics

by jlesage
large collection organized by thematic and political categories; useful for office door poster, flyer, or demonstration

Loïc Wacquant

by jlesage
site of sociologist who was often a co-author with Pierre Bourdieu; many links to full text essays online.

01 November 2006

The Art of Rent by David Harvey, SR 2002 | Socialist Register

by jlesage
"a widespread belief that there is something special about certain cultural products and events (be they in the arts, theatre, music, cinema, architecture or more broadly in localized ways of life, heritage, collective memories and affective communities).

24 October 2006

one small project

by jlesage
learning from those who "claim leftover spaces in cities and live in unauthorized dwellings made of scavenged, leftover materials"; solicits contributions

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last mark : 04/12/2006 18:48