public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags database & pear

July 2006

February 2006

December 2005

Poo-tee-weet - blog

by nhoizey (via)
a show case of some of the new features in MDB2. especially to demo some PHP5 specific features

February 2005


by bagou
DB_Table is an object-oriented interface to a database table. As a wrapper for the PEAR DB class, it provides methods to help you build automated create, insert, update, delete, and select functionality, and methods to automatically build input forms with HTML_QuickForm.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag database

cloud +   document-store +   EC2 +   graph-store +   NoSQL +   orientdb +  

Active users

last mark : 24/07/2006 03:12

last mark : 10/02/2006 08:52

last mark : 28/12/2005 13:59

last mark : 25/02/2005 15:21