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PUBLIC MARKS with tags database & security


OSF Data Loss Database

by JJL
DataLossDB, formerly the Data Loss Database Open Source, is an research project aimed at documenting known and reported data loss incidents world-wide. The effort is now a community one, with the move to OSF, and relies on the contributions of users like you to grow and prune the database.


GreenSQL - Open Source Database Firewall Solution

by mbertier & 4 others
GreenSQL is an Open Source database firewall used to protect databases from SQL injection attacks. GreenSQL works in a proxy mode and has built in support for MySQL. The logic is based on evaluation of SQL commands using a risk scoring matrix as well as blocking known db administrative commands (DROP, CREATE, etc). GreenSQL is distributed under the GPL license


SQL Injection Walkthrough

by jlemoine & 1 other
The following article will try to help beginners with grasping the problems facing them while trying to utilize SQL Injection techniques, to successfully utilize them, and to protect themselves from such attacks.

Michael Sutton's Blog : How Prevalent Are SQL Injection Vulnerabilities?

by ionial & 1 other
Earlier this month, Mitre revealed that web application vulnerabilities have now claimed the top three spots on the CVE request list. Specifically, the ranking for 2006 is as follows: Cross Site Scripting (21.5%) SQL Injection (14%) PHP includes (9.5%)

Free Computer Books, Tutorials, and Lecture Notes

by feision & 13 others
Languages C C++ XML/XSL UML Perl Python Tcl/Tk Ada Lisp Assembly Fortran Prolog Ruby Cobol Basic Scheme Misc Programming Languages More Language BooksMore ... View all the sub-categories Java/J2EE Core Java Advanced J2EE/EJB STRUTS JSF Servlet/JSP Spring/Hibernate Enterprise Design Patterns Testing Security Distributed GUI Multimedia J2ME More Java/J2EE BooksMore View all the sub-categories Unix/Linux Core Unix Core Linux FreeBSD Security Shell Programming Networking Unix/Linux Programming System Admin GUI/X Windows Regular Exp. Text Editing More Unix/Linux BooksMore ... View all the sub-categories Computer Science Data Structure/Algorithms How to Program Languages Compiler OS Numerical AI/Logic Prog Functional OOD/OOP Computation Misc Architecture More Computer Science BooksMore ... View all the sub-categories Databases Systems SQL Oracle DB2 Sybase MySQL PostgreSQL Misc More Database BooksMore ... View all the sub-categories Web PHP Programming JavaScript, AJAX DHTML/CSS Site Design Publishing More Web/Internet BooksMore ... View all the sub-categories Networking General Networks TCP/IP Management Programming Internet More Networking BooksMore ... View all the sub-categories Special Topics Software Engineering Security Version Control Game LDAP Certificates Signal Processing Bioinformatics Cryptography Reference TeX/LateX Statistics Graphics Hardware & PC Science Mainframe Open Source Information Math Human More Special Topic BooksMore ... View all the sub-categories Microsoft .NET and C# Programming Applications


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