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PUBLIC MARKS with tags delicious & transmedia

November 2010

TFI :: Future Docs: Creating Documentaries Across Platforms

by HK & 1 other
I like the suggestion of Jennifer Wilson of the Project Factory in Australia, who notes we should think of all the new digital platforms and tools as colors in your storytelling palette.

9 creative uses of QR Codes for your business | memeburn

by HK
With the exponential rise in mobile internet access there is no doubt in my mind that 2D codes (also known as Quick Response, or QR Codes) will become a trusty tool for “tagging” real-world objects with virtual information.

September 2010

WorkBook Project :: an open creative network

by HK
The WorkBook Project is for those who want to be creative in the digital age. An open creative network that provides insight into the process of funding, creating, distributing and sustaining from one's creative efforts.

Producing Transmedia Stories – 10 Reasons why Audiences do it Better… | PERSONALIZE MEDIA

by HK
So why is this? What techniques do makers of user created transmedia (you and I wearing our normal, connected people hats) employ that make it more interesting to their target audience and what can the ‘artificial storytellers’ learn?

July 2010

May 2010

The power of transmedia storytelling - SmartPlanet

by HK
Transmedia storytelling, often referred to as crossmedia or multiplatform storytelling takes the elements of a character’s narrative and applies them uniquely to each medium while extending the story.

Storyworlds: The New Transmedia Business Paradigm

by HK
Jeff Gomez (head dude at Starlight Runner Entertainment, and general good guy) gives yet another informative presentation on the real world (business) models in today's transmedia. (If you like this, you might want to read the interview we did with Jeff: 'The Transmedia Equation, Part 1: Top-Down Development with Jeff Gomez').

Lance Weiler on the "Storyworld" - Filmmaker Magazine - Winter 2009

by HK
This is no longer the case. We are now in a time of open creativity when amateurs and professionals are collaborating around media in ways similar to how those in the open-source software movement work together to develop, share and maintain software code.

April 2010

What Exactly Do We Do? | SWARM

by HK
In addition to developing original entertainment projects in-house, and helping independent creators maximize their reach and impact, Swarm Entertainment’s service work is focused on the following: Conceptual development Production Promotion Branded Project

March 2010

January 2010

The End of the Line :: Home Page

by HK & 1 other
The End of the Line (le bout de la ligne de pêche) est un film documentaire qui n’est sorti qu’aux USA et en Grande-Bretagne concernant la surexploitation des océans, notamment en ce qui concerne la pêche. Il a été réalisé en 2008 selon le livre éponyme de Charles Clover. On y parle donc de plusieurs sujets : le moratoire sur la pêche à la morue au large de Terre-Neuve, la surpêche du thon rouge et l’augmentation de la demande pour les sushis, les conséquences de la disparition du poisson pour l’alimentation des êtres humains, etc…

December 2009

November 2009

Tinychat - Free online video chat rooms

by HK & 4 others
your own chatroom, simple and easy way

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag delicious

Air, +   amazon +   api +   applications +   aws +   bandwidth +   cloud +   cloudfront +   desktop +   distribution +   EC2 +   flash +   flex +   flex, +   gem +   media +   rightscale +   ruby +   s3 +   sqs +   storage +   streaming +   tools +   video +   webservices +  

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last mark : 09/11/2010 14:39