October 2006
Foley shames Republicans, but would do Democrats proud
by jasontrommThe Democrats finally have their issue. Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) resigned his seat in the House of Representatives on Friday, September 29, after news leaked that he had sexually harassed an underage male Congressional page. Foley repeatedly e-mailed and instant messaged the page, revoltingly asking him to undress, to measure his genitals with a ruler, to list details regarding frequency and method of masturbation, and to tell Foley when he was aroused. "[I'd] love to slip [your shorts] off you and [grab] the one-eyed snake," Foley messaged the teen.
December 2005
Dean's Christmas Gift to the GOP
by jasontromm (via)"Dean's take on Iraq makes even less sense than the scream in Iowa: Both are uninformed and unhelpful," Jim Marshall, a Democratic congressman from Georgia, told the Post.
October 2005
Public has had it with both parties
by jasontrommA just-released political survey by George Washington University contains bad news for Democrats and Republicans because it lays bare a public seemingly disenfranchised with both major parties.
January 2005
(6 marks)