November 2006
The battlefields for freedom
by jasontrommDon't Be MIA on Election Day
You might not be in the military, but you can certainly still fight for freedom, right here on our own shores. How? By voting!
With the culture wars at full tilt, it is somewhat surprising that expected voter turn out is forecasted as low as 35 percent. This is particularly troubling since Democrats only need to pick up six seats to gain a majority in the 100-seat Senate. They need only 15 seats out of the 435-seat House to achieve their first majority since being swept out of power in 1994.
To not vote is simply a vote for the opposition. As British statesman Edmund Burke once said, ''Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.''
Jihad is fun! Vote Democrat!
by jasontrommDemocrats can't not be crazy. They will instantly set to work enacting a national gay-marriage law, impeachment hearings, slavery reparations and a series of new federal felonies for abortion clinic protesters. The only way to get Democrats to focus on terrorists would be to convince them that the terrorists are interfering with a woman's right to choose or that commercial jetliners exploding in midair are a threat to America's wetlands.
August 2006
Senate Rejects Minimum Wage Hike, Estate Tax Cut
by jasontrommSenate Democrats late Thursday refused to accept a bill raising the nation's minimum wage because the bill also would have eliminated the "death tax" on estates up to $5 million.
Republicans needed 60 votes to cut off debate and bring the bill to a vote -- but in the end, they managed to muster only 56 votes.
Furious Democrats called it "sham" legislation and they accused Republicans of "trickery."
January 2006
State rebuffs raw vote demand
by | alaska : The state Division of Elections has refused to turn over its electronic voting files to the Democrats, arguing that the data format belongs to a private company and can't be made public.
(4 marks)