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PUBLIC MARKS with tag deployement

March 2009

April 2008

OpenNebula :: start

by camel
OpenNEbula (former GridHypervisor) is a virtual infrastructure engine that enables the dynamic deployment and re-allocation of virtual machines on a pool of physical resources. ONE (OpenNEbula) extends the benefits of virtualization platforms from a single physical resource to a pool of resources, decoupling the server not only from the physical infrastructure but also from the physical location.

March 2008

Automating Xen VM deployment with SystemImager - SystemImager

by camel
One advantage of server virtualization is the ability to rapidly provision new production environments. Automatic virtual machine deployment can significantly speed up the time to instantiate new services or reallocate resources depending on the user needs. This article focuses on the integration of SystemImager and Xen to create a totally open source framework able to manage on-demand deployment of virtual machines, such as physical machines, using a single centralized point of management. This approach allows to strongly reduce IT costs and simplify administrative tasks for enterprise data centers, even with a complex and/or reduced set of hardware resources, exploiting the dynamic-provisioning functionalities of SystemImager and virtualization advantages of Xen.

January 2008

XenoServers | XenoServer platform

by camel
The XenoServer platform is a generic substrate for deploying any kind of competing, untrusted, commercial services (such as gaming-on-demand or p2p streaming applications) at locations of the service provider's choice.

Automating Xen Virtual Machine Deployment

by camel
While consolidating physical to virtual machines using Xen,we want to be able to deploy and manage virtual machines in the same way we manage and deploy physical machines. For operators and support people there should be no difference between virtual and physical installations. Integrating Virtual Machines with the rest of the infrastructure, should have a low impact on the existing infrastructure. Typically, Virtual machine vendors have their own tools to deploy and manage virtual machines. Apart from the vendor lock-in to that specific virtual machine platform , it requires the administrators to learn yet another platform that they need to understand and manage, something we want to prevent. This paper discusses how we integrated SystemImager with Xen, hence creating a totally open source deployment framework for the popular open source Virtual Machine monitor. We will document both development of our tools and go more in depth on other infrastructure related issues when using Xen System Imaging environments in combination with Virtual machines can also be used to ensure safe production deployments. By saving your current production image before updating to your new production image, you have a highly reliable contingency mechanism. If the new production environment is found to be flawed, simply roll-back to the last production image on the virtual machines with a simple update command! Xen has become one of the most popular virtualisation platforms over the last year, although not such a young project, it is now rapidly gaining acceptance in the corporate world as a valuable alternative to VMWare.

October 2007

subcon - Google Code

by camel
Subcon allows you to store your essential system configuration files in a subversion repository and easily deploy different configurations to machines in a cluster. It also features optional integration with SystemImager, enabling the deployment of system images and configuration in a single step. A flexible configuration file provides the ability to start, stop, or restart services or run arbitrary scripts when a change in a file or set of files is detected.

August 2007

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag deployement

cluster +   configuration +   environment +   file +   framework +   hosting +   image +   images +   price +   ruby +   server +   subversion +   system +   tools +   virtualisation +   virtualization +   xen +  

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last mark : 03/03/2009 08:56

last mark : 23/04/2008 07:08

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