public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags design & écologie

This year : magazine culturel nouvelle génération

by johndoe Découvrez, le magazine culturel nouvelle génération pour une audience jeune et dynamique. Explorez des contenus riches et variés en culture, économie et lifestyle, présentés de manière captivante et accessible. n'est pas seulement un magazine, mais une communauté vivante pour les curieux et les innovateurs. Plongez dans un univers où chaque article inspire et informe, en abordant des sujets contemporains avec une approche fraîche et engageante. Rejoignez-nous pour vivre pleinement votre époque et enrichir votre quotidien.



Prise électrique écologique U know watt

by camel
Prise électrique écologique U know watt Plaider pour l’écologie c’est bien, économiser l’énergie c’est encore mieux. Savez-vous que 15% de l’énergie électrique consommée par un foyer pourrait être économisée par simple visualisation ? C’est en s’appuyant sur ce constat, que l’équipe de designers d’EDDS Design a conçu le projet de prise électrique écologique U know watt. Un boîtier intelligent et pourtant d’une apparence enfantine. Cette prise affiche la consommation énergétique instantanée via des codes couleurs basiques : le bleu indique une consommation réduite (peut-être pourriez-vous alors éteindre vos appareils en veille ?), le vert symbolise l’état standard (attention à ne pas consommer davantage !), enfin le rouge vous alerte d’un pic de consommation (avez-vous pensé à éteindre les lumières ?). Une prise électrique écolo et ludique. Mais qu’est-ce qu’on attend pour la produire en série ?

La voiture-bulle solaire se prend pour un lampadaire

by kooolman
"Cerise sur le gâteau, une fois dans les airs, elle se met à éclairer la rue à la manière d'un lampadaire."

Slow design

by dpansu & 1 other (via)
Après le slow-food, le design qui respecte la nature

Bientôt Demain : le slow design au quotidien

by julie & 1 other

Matériau abondant de la géosphère, petites séries réalisées localement, encourage l’auto conception, encourage le recyclage, humour, joie et couleur au quotidien, (Joyeux Noël !)


Art d'eco Design - Carnet de notes CD Rom original

by julie & 1 other

Offrez- vous un carnet de notes original par sa forme, unique par sa double couverture en CD Rom( ce qui le rend réversible) ! Il participe à une démarche pour une planète plus propre et plus responsable. La créatrice de cet étonnant carnet de notes travaillant depuis toujours sur le concept du "re used made", les CD-Rom sont récupérés, troués et assemblés avec du papier recyclé provenant de fin de stocks d'imprimerie par de jeunes artisans en Ukraine selon les principes du commerce équitable.

reestore - contemporary eco design

by dpansu & 1 other
New for 2007, Max the bath tub chaise. A contemporary twist on the sofa briefly featured in breakfast at Tiffany’s. Created from a vintage cast iron bath and upholstered in fabric of your choice. Perfectly formed for single seater slouching or sofa for two.

Greenpeace : Green My Apple

by sbrothier & 2 others (via)
We love Apple. Apple knows more about "clean" design than anybody, right? So why do Macs, iPods, iBooks and the rest of their product range contain hazardous substances that other companies have abandoned? A cutting edge company shouldn't be cutting lives short by exposing children in China and India to dangerous chemicals. That's why we Apple fans need to demand a new, cool product: a greener Apple.


Cocolico — Design that makes sense

by sbrothier & 1 other
Cocolico is a design magazine, with an insanely preference for crazy, smart ideas that won't spoil environment. Here, you will meet some products, sometimes internationally aclaimed, that could land one day in your home. We also report innovative and environmental friendly concepts.

eco sac

by sbrothier
The eco sac™ is a revolutionary, new flexible rainwater storage system that hides away under decks or floors making it much more discrete than traditional tanks. The bladders are made from a beige coloured puncture-resistant PVC material which enables potable water storage to Australian Standards. That means that the water captured can be used to safely fill swimming pools and fish ponds without fear of contamination from the bladder. The bladders sit in a strong galvanised steel frame supported by industrial strength geo tech fabric which gives added protection.

Mule Lighting - LED Exit Sign, Emergency Lighting manufacturer

by sbrothier
Our patented LEDison® Series of LED lamps is a breakthrough design. Now energy conservation is possible for most forms of illumination. The 360° viewing angle design provides illumination patterns equivalent to conventional incandescent bulbs. Retrofitting for energy efficiency has been taken to a new and effortless level. Ideal for use in decorative, indicator, task, medical and marine applications.

Pop-Sci Core77 Design Challenge

by sbrothier
Core77 has joined forces with Popular Science, the world's largest science magazine, to periodically challenge industrial designers to incorporate cutting-edge technology and science into design solutions that address everyday problems and spot emerging opportunities. Each challenge will have a single theme, a brief, a deadline, and a chance for winners to have their designs published in Popular Science magazine and on the and Core77 Websites. In addition, there is a $500 prize or technology prize of similar value (at minimum).

Pioche - un site de news culturelles et techno

by clilian
Un site web qui permet de soumettre des news, puis de voter pour faire passer ses préférées en première page (style digg). L'orientation du site est plutôt "culturelle". Les nouvelles sont assez variées : cinéma, photo, high-tech, insolite, logiciels, jeux...

Groupe de Recherche "Document Numérique et Usages"

by dpansu (via)
Les préceptes de la sémiologie graphique, de la communication visuelle, du design et de l’architecture d’information convoqués dans ce microcosme de données dynamiques pour une écologie informationnelle, butent cependant sur la problématique de la réception de l’information adressée à une infinie variabilité de profils d’usages et d’usagers.


Green Home Environmental Products

by sbrothier & 1 other
Welcome to Green Home, a nice place to buy environmental products. "Going Green" is a process that can be as simple as changing soaps and as complex as changing your entire lifestyle. If you're thinking about going green, Green Home is a great place to start. We are both an on line resource for green products as well as a clearinghouse for advice and information on greening your home, business, or event.

Welcome to Enlux Lighting.

by sbrothier
The enLux LED R30 Floodlight is a drop-in replacement for 45W and 65W incandescent floodlights and is available in both 120V and 220V. You simply open the box and screw in the bulb! The R30 is available in three white tones: warm, neutral and cool; and four color tones: red, green, blue and amber. It is also available with a variety of fin colors to work with any décor.

C. Crane Company, Inc.

by sbrothier
For nearly 30 years, C. Crane has been a hometown company with a hometown way of doing business. That means we take the time to listen to our customers, and enjoy hearing your feedback on our radios, flashlights, garden tools — anything in our catalog. We cherish your trust and confidence in our staff and in our products, and we look forward to sharing with you some of the best things we’ve found — and even designed — to enhance your lives. We hope you enjoy reading our catalog, and encourage you to browse our newly updated Web site to see what’s new . We look forward to serving you.

Dynamo® Hand-Powered Flashlight - Lee Valley Tools

by sbrothier
This is one flashlight that will never cause you to worry about batteries going dead, leaking into the casing or being affected by heat or cold. It works based on the dynamo principle that was first discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831.

Plastic from plants

by sbrothier
It's a versatile and functional as traditional plastic. It even looks and feels like traditional plastic. But that's where the similarities end.

Lampe led sans pile High Tech

by sbrothier & 4 others
Secouez 30 à 90 secondes : Eclairez jusqu'à 1 heure !

livework :: service innovation & design

by sbrothier (via)
Design of experiences that reach people through many different touch-points, and that happen over time.

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