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PUBLIC MARKS with tags design & embedded

04 May 2006

Real Time Application Design

by YukuanMark
This section presents four contrasting design solutions to a hypothetical embedded real time application. The suitability of each solution is judged for embedded computers with varying RAM, ROM and processing capabilities. In addition the simplicity and c

29 March 2006

Embedded System Design

by YukuanBlog
對一些小型的應用而言,把 OS 納入系統中,不但多耗用硬體資源,還可能使系統的複雜度增加了許多。 「甚麼情況下才需要把 OS 安置到 embedded system 內?」--這是一個好的思考點。

Active users

last mark : 04/05/2006 17:29

last mark : 29/03/2006 17:54