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PUBLIC MARKS with tags design & icônes



by Spone
A font you can use in your web apps when you want tiny state shapes as a design element. It's designed to be used at small sizes, and the shapes have been highly simplified to make for a really small font. All 50 states plus D.C. and a wee continental U.S. map fit in about 22k, and they look great on Retina displays.


HoHoHo! : Design : Brand Spanking New

by Spone & 9 others (via)
Here are 113 10x10 greyscale icons in .gif format to fill up your stocking with - the next instalment of my mini icon collection, which has been steadily growing over the last year.


2007 - Worlds largest icon search engine

by tomlaigle & 66 others
Un moteur de recherches d'icônes... On peut même y choisir le fond (blanc, noir, transparent...), et la taille.

Crystal Clear - Wikimedia Commons

by irols & 25 others
De jolies icônes gratuites façon 2.0 - Galerie

by tomlaigle & 3 others (via)
Une gallerie d'icônes à télécharger... Home

by tomlaigle & 55 others
Icônes belles et gratuites, (netvibes, dotclear style)


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag design

ajax +   alire +   awards +   backgrounds +   catalog +   cms +   code +   color +   components +   concepts +   creative +   css +   css3 +   development +   documentation +   examples +   fonts +   free +   gallery +   graphics +   howto +   html +   images +   inspiration +   javascript +   library +   links +   list +   menus +   pages +   patterns +   photo +   portfolios +   programming +   reference +   showcase +   source +   template +   tips +   tools +   trends +   tutorial +   tutorials +   typography +   ui +   web +   web design +   web2.0 +   webdesign +   xhtml +  

Active users

last mark : 22/03/2012 15:12

last mark : 23/11/2007 16:03

last mark : 05/05/2007 09:34