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PUBLIC MARKS with tags design & performance


ag-Grid Blog: 8 Performance Hacks for JavaScript

by ghis
ag-Grid is a JavaScript data grid for displaying large amounts of data in the browser in a style similar to Excel spreadsheets. ag-Grid is fast, even in Internet Explorer with large volumes of data. This blog presents performance patterns, or performance 'hacks', that we used to put our grid on steroids. We describe how to squeeze performance out of the browser which can be applied to anyone wanting to tune their own applications. It will be of particular interest to users of ag-Grid to improve understanding of how to work with the grid. We also think that it will be of interest to anyone creating a grid. We relish the idea of healthy competition so we are happy to contribute to the wider community knowledge.


tildigital (tildigital) sur Twitter

by mydruid
@tildigital - Official twitter // #digital, #performance, #ergonomie, #design, #référencement, #influence, #hub, #social, #networking, #web, #ecommerce, #mobile


AntiVJ is a visual label

by HK & 1 other
is a visual label/prjection sur les murs, les monuments...

ImageOptim - a PNG/JPEG graphics optimizer for Mac OS X

by nhoizey & 2 others
"ImageOptim is a front-end (GUI) for set of tools for optimisation of PNG/JPEG images and GIF animations. Optimisation makes files smaller (in terms of disk space) by finding optimal compression parameters and by removing unneccessary information, like file comments, EXIF tags and color profiles."

High Performance Web Sites :: @font-face and performance

by nhoizey
"My first piece of advice is to avoid using @font-face unless it’s critical to the page."


SitePoint Blogs » JavaScript Event Delegation is Easier than You Think

by damdec
If you’re into adding a little JavaScript interactivity to your web pages you may have heard of JavaScript event delegation and thought it was one of those convoluted design patterns only hardcore JavaScript programmers worry about. The truth is, if you already know how to add JavaScript event handlers, it’s a snap to implement.



by vodkacoca & 1 other (via)
Vitrine de diffusion d'une certaine ambiance urbaine, rassemblant sur une même plate-forme, quelques marques émergentes ou déjà établies, des artistes, des magazines, livres, dvds, et autres axes contribuant à la culture urbaine, et aux nouvelles technologies tournant autour d'un art graphique actuel imposant.

Pixelache festival | Festival Mal au Pixel

by vodkacoca & 2 others
A l’initiative d’acteurs associatifs finlandais, le festival international PixelACHE , accroché à Helsinki, circule d’année en année dans une nouvelle capitale en partenariat avec des structures locales (New York, Montréal, Stockholm, Bratislava). Festival Mal au Pixel Edition francilienne du 19 au 29 avril 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag design

anime +   battousai +   chile +   diseño +   kenshin +   samurai +   webdesign +  

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