Astropad - Transform your iPad into a professional graphics tablet
by sbrothier, 2 commentsYOUR IPAD AS A PROFESSIONAL
Use the Mac creative tools you know & love, like Photoshop,
with the touch experience of your iPad
The Pixar Touch - history of Pixar - Blog - Pixar story rules (one version)
by sbrothier (via)#4: Once upon a time there was ___. Every day, ___. One day ___. Because of that, ___. Because of that, ___. Until finally ___.
Dessiner en 3D avec la main :: Cuarto derecha
by sbrothier & 2 others, 1 commentLe 3D drawin pad est un papier millimétré qui, lorsqu’on le regarde avec les lunettes 3d, génère une profondeur différente de celle du papier. Tout ce que nous dessinerons donnera la sensation de flotter au-dessus du papier.
L’Incredible 3D doodle kit sert à dessiner les traits en 3D. Le résultat est semblable au premier produit (cependant moins efficace). Le dessin se perçoit séparé du papier. En fermant et en ouvrant le compas, on change la profondeur du tracé.
Alias Sketchbook Pro
by sbrothierWhich is the main reason we should all make room for Sketchbook Pro from Alias. Sketchbook Pro is sort of like Painter Fast and Lite—all the speed and responsiveness one would expect, the basic tools for sketching and colouring, and none of the screen clutter. And I mean none.
(7 marks)