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July 2008

A vos tests prêt... partez : SPIP 2.0.0 beta est dans les bacs

by nhoizey
Lachez vos beta testeurs sur cette nouvelle mouture de SPIP, qu'elle soit parfaite pour sa sortie officielle !

openface - Google Code

by nhoizey
The Openface Project is a PHP framework (Ruby in process) used for building applications that run on Facebook and OpenSocial platforms. Openface is a set of libraries that you add into your PHP application that enables the same codebase to run within Face

Metadata block - GreaseSpot

by nhoizey
If you plan to require a common javascript library, it is recommended to use the hosted version from the Google AJAX Libraries API

jMar's Blog: Building Your First jQuery Plugin

by nhoizey
If you've gotten comfortable with the basics of jQuery coding, then you're certainly ready to develop your own plugin. This tutorial will take you step by step through creating your very own truncation plugin.

Opera Web Standards Curriculum

by nhoizey
Opera et Yahoo! nous aident à apprendre à développer des sites Web en exploitant au mieux les standars. Miam !

June 2008

April 2008

jQuery Flash Plugin

by nhoizey & 10 others
Inspired by tools like SWFObject, UFO and sIFR, but written line-by-line for jQuery — no other scripts required. Less redundancy (jQuery and sIFR both find elements by css selectors and do browser detection, sIFR and SWFObject both do Flash detection) m

jThrottle Demo/Docs

by nhoizey
jthrottle is a very simple plugin for jquery, designed as a drop-in replacement for $.each(). Performs the loop in chunks, allowing a timeout after portions of the loop, preventing the browser from appearing locked up during your loop.

Questions & réponses sur la fédération du CRU [Comité Réseau des Universités]

by nhoizey
Shibboleth ne remplace pas CAS. Shibboleth et CAS ont deux fonctions différentes : CAS offre le SSO pour les applications déployées dans le périmêtre (ou système d'information) d'un établissement, Shibboleth offre le SSO (et la diffusion d'attribut

Getting profile information rather than just authentication

by nhoizey
CAS is a Web based local single signon. Shibboleth is a cross-university authentication and attribute system that doesn't have its own local signon. In order to use Shibboleth, you have to first have a local system like CAS.

D2R Server – Publishing Relational Databases on the Semantic Web

by nhoizey
D2R Server is a tool for publishing relational databases on the Semantic Web. It enables RDF and HTML browsers to navigate the content of the database, and allows applications to query the database using the SPARQL query language.

Index of /iphone

by nhoizey
Les squelettes de Flip Zone pour iPhone/iPod Touch, par Paris Beyrouth, splendide !

The seven rules of unobtrusive JavaScript

by nhoizey & 7 others
Do not make any assumptions, find your hooks and relationships, leave traversing to the experts, understand browsers and users, understand Events, play well with others, work for the next developer

Equidistant Objects with CSS - CSS-Tricks

by nhoizey & 5 others
Creating a horizontal row of objects that are equidistant from each other is another one of those things in web design that is much more difficult than it should be. This can be a very useful thing to do, especially in fluid width layouts when you are try

March 2008

Comment bien gérer la montée en charge d’une application web ? | Simple Entrepreneur

by nhoizey & 2 others
Voici quelques pistes qui seront particulièrement utiles à ceux qui développent une application dans un environnement LAMP (Linux, Apache, Php et MySql) ou RoR (Ruby On Rails). Il s’agit en fait des retours d’expérience de sites comme Flickr, Digg

Official Google Data APIs Blog: 3. 2. 1. Contact. The API has landed

by nhoizey & 1 other
We're happy to announce the availability of our Google Contacts Data API that gives programmatic access to your contact list. The contact list is shared among Google applications like Gmail, Reader, Calendar, and more.

Software is hard | Firecookie

by nhoizey & 4 others
Firecookie is a an extension for Firebug that makes possible to view and manage cookies in your browser. Apart from all the other cookie managers and viewers available as Firefox extensions, this one is made as an extension for Firebug, so web developer h

InfoQ: Hypermedia in RESTful applications

by nhoizey
Flickr's current approach of requiring that clients possess Flickr-specific knowledge in order to progress from one application state to another, is simply another way of saying that they have a proprietary application model. Not only is it proprietary th

ASP.NET MVC Framework - ScottGu's Blog

by nhoizey & 1 other
One of the things that many people have asked for over the years with ASP.NET is built-in support for developing web applications using a model-view-controller (MVC) based architecture.

Microsoft bets on Atom Publishing Protocol as the future direction for Web APIs

by nhoizey & 2 others
Microsoft is making a large investment in unifying our developer platform protocols for services on the open, standards-based Atom format (RFC 4287) and the Atom Publishing Protocol (RFC 5023)

Microsoft Interop Forms Toolkit 2.0

by nhoizey
The Interop Forms Toolkit 2.0 is a free add-in that simplifies the process of displaying .NET forms and controls in a Visual Basic 6 application. Instead of upgrading the entire code base, these applications can now be extended one form at a time.

February 2008

WSO2 Web Services Framework for PHP | WSO2 Oxygen Tank

by nhoizey & 2 others
WSO2 WSF/PHP is a complete solution for building and deploying Web services, and is the only PHP extension with the widest range of WS-* specification implementations

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last mark : 31/07/2008 06:16