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PUBLIC MARKS with tags dev & internet


Combien ça coûte, un site ?

by nhoizey & 1 other
« C’est simple, le prix d’un site, c’est la bonne moyenne entre vos plus beaux rêves et les compromis que vous êtes prêts à faire selon votre budget. »

10 générateurs de thumbshots | Développement Web - Johnstyle

by Elryk
Les générateurs de Thumbshots sont utilisés principalement par les annuaires cependant, très peut sont fiable ou de bonne qualité



Christian Fauré — Cloud Computing 2008

by parmentierf
“Faire un cahier des charges, installer un logiciel dans son système d’information, administrer un parc informatique, tout ceci deviendra-t-il bientôt obsolète ? Cette question, apparemment provocante, correspond pourtant à la réalité des incidences du Cloud Computing sur la façon de consommer des solutions informatiques ou de gérer un système d’information.

Build Web applications once, run everywhere with OpenLaszlo - Program - Web Technologies - Builder AU

by parmentierf (via)
OpenLaszlo can help you clear this hurdle by delivering a runtime that runs on all browsers. OpenLaszlo provides a platform for building rich Internet applications that may mimic desktop application functionality. Here's a closer look at OpenLaszlo's features, architecture, language, and development environment.


Tutoriel : Premiers pas avec le Google Widget Toolkit

by parmentierf
Le moteur de recherche a dessiné cette infrastructure pour le développement d'applications Internet riches. Présentation de son architecture, et décryptage de ses avantages et inconvénients.

Ext JS - JavaScript Library

by parmentierf & 23 others
Build rich web applications that work across all major web browsers including: * Internet Explorer 6 * FireFox 1.5 (PC, Mac, *nix) * Safari 2 * Opera 9 (Mac, PC)

Marketcircle: iPhoney

by kruty & 13 others (via)
emulateur iphone. Looking for a way to see how your web creations will look on iPhone? Look no further. iPhoney gives you a pixel-accurate web browsing environment—powered by Safari—that you can use when developing web sites for iPhone. It's the perfect 320 by 480-pixel canvas for your iPhone development. And it's free. iPhoney is not an iPhone simulator but instead is designed for web developers who want to create 320 by 480 (or 480 by 320) websites for use with iPhone. It gives you a canvas on which to test the visual quality of your designs.

Using open source software to design, develop, and deploy a collaborative Web site, Part 13: PHP development within Eclipse

by parmentierf & 7 others
Follow along in this series of articles as the IBM® Internet Technology Group designs, develops, and deploys an extranet Web site for a fictitious company, International Business Council (IBC), using a suite of freely available software. In this article, explore how to use the Eclipse integrated development environment to create your Web site, with a focus on Eclipse's support for PHP and using Concurrent Versions System (CVS) for version control.

OpenLaszlo | the premier open-source platform for rich internet applications

by parmentierf & 31 others (via)
OpenLaszlo is an open source platform for creating zero-install web applications with the user interface capabilities of desktop client software. OpenLaszlo programs are written in XML and JavaScript and transparently compiled to Flash and, with OpenLaszlo 4, DHTML. The OpenLaszlo APIs provide animation, layout, data binding, server communication, and declarative UI. An OpenLaszlo application can be as short as a single source file, or factored into multiple files that define reusable classes and libraries.


Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar Beta

by parmentierf & 16 others (via)
The Microsoft Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar provides a variety of tools for quickly creating, understanding, and troubleshooting Web pages.


Présentation de Ruby on Rails -

by parmentierf
Une nouvelle technologie fait actuellement beaucoup parler d'elle sur Internet : Ruby on Rails. Basé sur le langage Ruby, Ruby on Rails est un framework permettant de construire des applications web, rapidement et proprement.

Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla

by parmentierf & 13 others (via)
Ever have trouble getting your Internet Explorer-specific Web applications to work with Mozilla? This article covers common issues associated with migrating applications to the open source Mozilla-based browser. You'll first learn basic cross-browser development techniques, and then develop strategies for overcoming the differences between Mozilla and Internet Explorer.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag dev

ajax +   CiUI +   framework +   interface +   iphone +   javascript +   web +  

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