30 January 2006
SQL Relay
by pyxosledisciple & 1 other (via)SQL Relay is a persistent database connection pooling, proxying and load balancing system for Unix and Linux supporting ODBC, Oracle, MySQL, mSQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, Interbase, Lago, SQLite and MS Access (minimally) with APIs for C, C++, Perl, Perl-DBI, Python, Python-DB, Zope, PHP, Ruby, Ruby-DBI, Java and TCL, drop-in replacement libraries for MySQL and PostgreSQL clients, command line clients, a GUI configuration tool and extensive documentation. The APIs support advanced database operations such as bind variables, multi-row fetches, client-side result set caching and suspended transactions. It is ideal for speeding up database-driven web-based applications, accessing databases from unsupported platforms, migrating between databases, distributing access to replicated databases and throttling database access.
28 January 2006
Setting up a Rails development environment using Locomotive
by cascamorto2005 was assuredly a huge year for the Rails development team - the 1.0 milestone was hit, and with it came one of the most innovative development tools available, Locomotive. I've been using Locomotive in tandem with Subversion and MySQL for the past couple of weeks while working on some new projects which are now nearing completion - giving me some free time to write about my experiences using these tools, and how you can utilise them in your own development environment.
27 January 2006
SQL Relay
by cascamorto & 1 otherSQL Relay is a persistent database connection pooling, proxying and load balancing system for Unix and Linux supporting ODBC, Oracle, MySQL, mSQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, Interbase, Lago, SQLite and MS Access (minimally) with APIs for C, C++, Perl, Perl-DBI, Python, Python-DB, Zope, PHP, Ruby, Ruby-DBI, Java and TCL, drop-in replacement libraries for MySQL and PostgreSQL clients, command line clients, a GUI configuration tool and extensive documentation. The APIs support advanced database operations such as bind variables, multi-row fetches, client-side result set caching and suspended transactions. It is ideal for speeding up database-driven web-based applications, accessing databases from unsupported platforms, migrating between databases, distributing access to replicated databases and throttling database access.
26 January 2006
Microsoft TechNet: Resource Kits
by cascamortoResource Kits : Get easy access to product resource kits and guides here.
16 January 2006
Les Doc's du net
by cascamortoBienvenue dans les Doc's du net, répertoire de cours et tutoriels du net traitant des langages de programmation, des bases de données, des réseaux, des systèmes d'exploitation, en passant par la cryptologie, et tout ce qui touche aux nouvelles technologies.
(5 marks)