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PUBLIC MARKS with tags documentation & windows




by cascamorto
We're here to provide collaborative documentation of the MythTV project, an open source software Personal Video Recorder. It lets you build a box similar to a TiVo or ReplayTV, but much more powerful - and more easily modified.


Ubuntu Active Directory & Samba

by lecyborg & 1 other
Comment ajouter une machine Ubuntu dans un domaine Active Directory ?

Local Windows hacking

by lecyborg
Tout les petits bricolages bien utiles en entreprise pour se sortir des pseudo limitations de son poste de travail. Merci Microsoft de faire de vos systèmes de telles passoires. On est obligé de bosser dessus, mais au moins on est pas trop bloqués :)

Configuring PuTTY

by lecyborg & 1 other
Un bon tutorial sur la configuration du client ssh Putty


Guide to Useless Services (Windows XP SP2)

by jlemoine & 4 others
In this guide, we'll take a look at the default set of services that come with a fresh installation of Windows XP with Service Pack 2. We'll tell you the ones that you don't need and try to tell you why, so you can disable them without any problems.

Main Page - Docupedia

by xenomorph
RealCLIP - Main entry point for discussion and documentation on the RealCLIP project Linux Howtos - Everything from SuSE and Redhat to Debian and Lucix Unix Howtos - Unix Based Systems like FreeBSD and OpenBSD. Mac Howtos - Apple howtos for PPC and x86, iPods, and the like. Embeded Howtos - These are howtos for embeded devices like the WRT54GS routers from linksys Windows Howtos - Howtos for Windows OS and applications. Web Based Howtos - OS independant tutorials. Others - Those that do not fit anywhere else...

IT Resource Vault - The Key to knowledge

by casper
Free tutorials, guide, documentation, Visual tutorial, how to's instructions on HP-UX, Linux, Windows, Applications and many more. All tutorials are free of charge, great batch of visual guide, visual learning as you see it.

Windows A-Z Command Lines

by cascamorto & 20 others (via)
To find information about a command, on the A-Z button menu at the top of this page, click the letter that the command starts with, and then click the command name.

Documentation du Kit de ressources techniques Microsoft Windows XP Professionnel

by cascamorto
Documentation du Kit de ressources techniques Microsoft Windows XP Professionnel : La documentation du Kit de ressources techniques Microsoft® Windows® XP Professionnel est un ensemble complet de ressources techniques relatives à l'installation, à la configuration et à la prise en charge de Microsoft® Windows® XP Professionnel et de Microsoft Windows XP Édition 64 bits sur des réseaux qui utilisent Windows 2000 Server, Windows NT® Server 4.0 et d'autres systèmes serveurs.


by cascamorto & 1 other
Bienvenue sur le site e-securIT dédié à la sécurité informatique ! Ce site fournit des informations techniques et organisationnelles sur les problématiques liées à la sécurité.


by cascamorto
Un des sites de reference sur Windows NT en francais

Site de Jean-Claude Bellamy

by cascamorto
La Connaissance s'accroît quand on la partage! // Windows, Multiboot, VBScript


Breaking Firewalls with OpenSSH and PuTTY

by Riduidel & 1 other
This article shows how remote Linux and Windows users can gain access to firewalled samba, mail, and http servers.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag documentation

drivers +   mass-storage +   operating system +   os +   programming +   usb +  

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