December 2006
FileMirrors (by HeadLight Software)
by cascamorto & 8 is an anonymous URL sharing and file searching service. Searching and sharing can be automatically done for users of GetRight to help find more mirrors for your downloads. FileMirrors is for searching for files like EXE or ZIP files--not web pages, images, music, etc.
November 2006 : Seekers' tools, tools for searchers, internet searching tools
by cascamorto[searchtools] & [ferrets] - [Browsers] - [images tools] - [sound tools] - [banner killers] - [other tools] - [Codebars] - [Password busters] - [Port listeners, pingers & tracerouters] - [[Languages & useful books]] - [firewalls & proxies] - [Memory readers] - [Hiders]
October 2006
The Toolkit » Solo Technology
by cascamorto & 2 othersWhat’s on my USB Key? I carry this thing around just about everywhere I go. It is not real large (128MB) but so far has proven to be big enough to serve the purpose. The purpose being: have my commonly used utils and fix-its in a place that I can grab ‘em.As you look at the list, you can see where most of the emergencies come from: Spyware/Malware — in windows.
July 2006
May 2006
The Great Software List, A-Z
by cascamorto & 1 otherThe Great Software List is an advocate of great software and ignores mediocre software. The Great Software List is composed of high quality programs that share most or all of the following features:
January 2006
The blog of Tobin: Windows Ruby On Rails IDEs and Text Editors
by cascamorto (via)Since I personally chose M$ Windows as my developmetn platform, so was interested to read about the comments left by other Windows users who have their own favourite editors. For your pleasure, here's a summary of those Windows editors.
David Crow: Ruby on Rails Editors and IDEs
by cascamorto & 1 other (via)A question was asked on the Trilogy Alumni list about IDEs for Ruby on Rails . Like a lot of Rails developers I’ve been using TextMate and I love it. (I’ve started using Locomotive for development). Here’s the list:
Reviews and free downloads antispyware at
by cascamorto & 1 other (via)Learn how to protect yourself against the onslaught with these articles and tutorials. Find out which is the most effective antispyware tool. Get rid of spyware, no matter what level of computer skills you have.
Blogmarks - Outils tiers pour
by cascamortoIntégration de Bloglines et - Menu popup pour publier sur Hotlinks. - Extension Firefox => - Script Greasemonkey BlogmarksInGoogle
by cascamorto & 7 othersDownloadblog nasce nell'agosto 2005 all'interno del network, per fornire agli appassionati informazioni aggiornate sul software e i servizi web che si possono trovare su Internet. L'obiettivo è fornire notizie, spunti e trucchi con la tempestività e la spontaneità tipica dei migliori blog. Downloadblog non vuole essere un sito come tanti altri che si occupano degli stessi temi. Downloadblog offre link e punti di partenza per i lettori, non si mette in cattedra. Accetta suggerimenti e stimola i commenti dei lettori. Le fonti originali delle notizie sono sempre citate, per completezza e per correttezza. Il lettore, non più fruitore passivo, può dire la sua in un dialogo diretto con gli autori di Downloadblog attraverso i commenti, fornendo critiche, suggerimenti o informazioni aggiuntive, a disposizione di tutti i lettori. Il sito è scritto e curato da Luca Lizzeri, Francesco Fullone, Antonio Parziale e Cristian Conti. Se vuoi collaborare con Downloadblog o pensi di avere una notizia interessante, invia un messaggio e-mail a Oppure, segnalaci un post tramite, con tag downloadblog.
FREE PROXY: Proxy List of Anonymous Public servers, Hide IP Address
by cascamorto & 4 othersAnonymous Port Proxy tools Secr. tools Test Proxies Forum Tutorials Blog // Tres bonne logitheque, infos de qualite
GNUWin II :: Logiciels - Liste par catégories
by cascamortoGNUWin II is not maintained anymore! Information on this pages may be old and/or inacurate! :: Logiciels - Liste par catégories... Il rest enecore quelques bonnes idees!
The Portable Freeware Collection
by cascamorto & 31 others (via)This site is dedicated to the collection and cataloging of freeware that can be extracted to any directory and run independently without prior installation. These can be carried around on a memory stick / USB flash drive, or copied / migrated from PC to PC via simple copying of files. Hence the term portable freeware.
EXETOOLS FORUM > Forum > General Discussion > eBOOKS
by cascamortoEXETOOLS FORUM > Forum > General Discussion
by cascamorto & 13 others (via)Welcome to, where everything is a tutorial.
There are currently 6,790 Free Tutorials in 500 categories!
Web Design & Markup
Operating Systems
December 2005
by cascamorto & 7 othersTipMonkies covers various aspects of technology, from software, hardware, services, hacks, etc. and attempts to bring these topics to the reader in a way that anyone can understand covering tools which you may not know even existed! Part blog, part education database, part tech, all life…TipMonkies aims to make computer use easier and more productive.
Compilation de plus de 260 Programmes Gratuits et Portables Sur Clé USB : le cyber coffee shop des alpha geeks
by cascamorto & 1 other (via)Voiçi une Compilation de plus de 260 Programmes Gratuits et Portables Sur Clé USB 2.0 que vous pourrez organiser à votre guise avec le Lançeur de Programme "PStart.exe".
Regardez bien le Dossier "AIO" où vous aurez quelques surprises. Faute de temps,Je n'ai testé que 90% des Programmes. Donc si vous trouvez des programmes qui ne fonctionnent pas, prière de me signaler pour des tests approfondis et corrections. Vous verrez que certains programmes comme "SILENT NIGHT MICRO BURNER 4.0.6 Multilangues" qui ne fait que 1,14 Mo, fait 75% de ce que fait "Nero".
Vous pouvez mettre ce "Pack" sur Clé USB 2.0, Disque Externe USB 2.0 ou éventuellement dans un Répertoire de votre Disque Interne.
Dirk Loss - Windows-Tools on CD-ROM (or USB stick)
by cascamorto (via)Having created several bootable Windows CD-ROMs with Bart's PE Builder, I thought how nice it would be if I could use some of the plugins on running systems (i.e. without having to reboot). So in spring 2004 I started searching the Internet for useful utilities that can be run directly from CD-ROM.Here's my list. Download the tools.
*** ***
by cascamortoVous trouverez ici, je l'espère, les infos et les logiciels néceswares à l'utilisation de Windows!
Je m'appelle Gilles Lucato, je suis à Montpellier et je compte vous faire profiter des conseils que je dispense tous les jours aux amis, aux collègues de travail et aux entreprises de la région LR... à travers des sites comme Transferts LR, Clusir LR, Pole TiiM.
November 2005
by cascamortoChaque jour, les libertés individuelles et le respect de la vie privée semblent davantage menacées. Aussi, devant l’ampleur du phénomène, il n’est peut-être pas superflu de se tenir informé de la legislation en la matière et de connaître quelques moyens de préserver sa vie privée.
A votre disposition sur ce site : des fiches pratiques et des conseils personnalisés, des brèves relatives à la vie privée et depuis peu notre annuaire des sites qui proposent une charte sur la protection de vos données personnelles...