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PUBLIC MARKS with tags drupal & development


Drupalcamp Pakistan: Automating Drupal Deployment | Drupal Developer | Dominique De Cooman

by holyver
The goal of automating deployment is to make introducing new features easier. In this post we will learn how to set up a workflow that will move code and configuration of your drupal site from your local development station, to development, to staging and to production all by a using your version control and a push of a button.

Drupal Groups | Meetup, discuss, plan, and work on Drupal and Drupalcamps

by jdrsantos
This site serves the Drupal community by providing a place for groups to organize, plan and work on projects. Real world local user groups (sometimes called meetups) and regional Drupalcamps in particular are encouraged to setup their online presence here.

Quoi de neuf dans Drush 5 ? | Le blog de SebCorbin - Sébastien Corbin

by holyver
Durant la DrupalCon Denver cette semaine a eu lieu une conférence par Moshe Weitzman, Jonathan Hedstrom, Owen Barton et Mark Sonnabaum. À l'issue de celle-ci devait être releasée la version 5 stable de Drush (je suis peut-être un peu en avance sur ceci). Drush est votre ami, si vous êtes un développeur, vous devez forcément l'avoir installé, et je vais donc partir du principe que vous avez utilisé la version 4. Je vais vous présenter dans cet article les nouvelles fonctionnalités de la version 5.


Missing Features » 48 Essential Drupal Development Tips From Lullabot

by holyver (via)
Your correspondent was fortunate enough to recently partake in a four day, hands-on, in-depth Drupal training (agenda: theming, forms API, menu API, module development, jQuery, best practices) conducted by the firm that literally wrote the book on Drupal: Lullabot. These tips were collected during training and every effort was made to capture them accurately, but do point out any errors or feedback in the comments (any errors were mine in capture, not Lullabot’s in training).


Rules |

by claire_
The rules modules allows site administrators to define conditionally executed actions based on occurring events. It's a replacement with more features for the trigger module in core and the successor of the workflow-ng module. So you can: • send customized mails to notify your users about important changes • build flexible content publishing workflows • create custom redirections, system messages, breadcrumbs, .. • and a lot more....

Creating Custom CCK Fields | Lullabot

by claire_
You can create custom CCK fields, widgets, and formatters for any situation, but it can be hard to see how to do it.

Making and Using Features in Drupal | Development Seed

by claire_
Features is part of the answer to one of Drupal’s biggest headaches – what to do with all that loose site building and customization that happens on every project. Features is part of the answer to making stronger, better install profiles and targeted distributions of Drupal. And features is part of the answer to making Drupal more task oriented and less daunting to our users.

The Development -> Staging -> Production Workflow Problem in Drupal | Development Seed

by claire_
Anyone who has developed a relatively complex Drupal site will be able to vouch that, while launching a new site is relatively simple, continuous integration becomes very tricky once the site has actually gone live. This problem becomes especially pronounced when there is more than one developer on a project, and when the project is being built using proper development methodology.


Migrate a WordPress site to Drupal | Adding Understanding

by springnet
Recently I've been helping a few folks migrate websites from WordPress to Drupal. Presently this works for migrating to Drupal 5 so if you want a Drupal 6 site first migrate to Drupal 5 and then upgrade the site to Drupal 6.




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