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PUBLIC MARKS with tag elections


Hellobot, ton coach personnel avant, pendant et après les élections

by srcmax
Bonjour ! Je suis Hellobot, ton coach personnel pour les élections. Via Facebook Messenger, je réponds à toutes les questions que tu te poses sur les élections et ton rôle de citoyen.


Elections américaines : Le Big Data au service d’Obama

by holyver
Cela a été l’un des grands secrets de la campagne électorale et les équipes du Time qui ont eu l’occasion de rencontrer les grands manitous de cette opération le 4 novembre ont accepté de dévoiler le fonctionnement du dispositif à la condition que l’article ne soit publié qu’après l’élection et que leurs noms ne soient pas dévoilés, conditions que Time a respecté.



Latest NBC Poll: Obama is in Surprisingly Good Shape

by democrattotheend
While his support among white voters has slipped a few points since the last poll, he actually does better among whites against McCain than Clinton, losing the white vote 49-38, as opposed to 53-38 for Clinton. The 11-point deficit among whites might look discouraging, but it’s important to keep in mind that Kerry lost the white vote by 17 points in 2004. Obama is only 3 points below Kerry’s percentage of the white vote (41%), while McCain is 9 points behind Bush’s 58% (the rest are undecided).

Quantitative Analysis - Why Ferraro's Claims are Inaccurate

by democrattotheend
Much has already been said about Geraldine Ferraro’s controversial comments implying that Obama wouldn’t be where he is if he were white (or a woman). The purpose of this post is not to attack or defend her comments, but to test her hypothesis that Clinton has been hampered by her gender while Obama has been helped by his race by looking at the exit poll numbers for people who said that a candidate’s race or gender had any influence on their vote.

Obama defends 'liberal' label - First Read -

by soul1383
From NBC/NJ’s Aswini Anburajan AUSTIN, Texas -- In the shadow of the state capitol that provided the United States with one of the most conservative presidents in recent history, Obama last night railed against the charge that being "liberal" was a bad

Clinton to fight for every delegate -

by ravi
“Could we possibly have a nominee who hasn't won any of the significant states -- outside of Illinois?” Chief Strategist Mark Penn said. “That raises some serious questions about Sen. Obama.” Howard Wolfson, communications director, pointed out, “We do better the more voters vote. The largest turnout primaries, by in large, are the ones that have favored us. …The presidential election is not a caucus; it’s an election for the most people to get out and vote.”

Obama mania's got all sides screaming

by ravi
"If Hillary walked on water, she would be criticized for not swimming," Lehane said. "And if Obama swam, he would be lauded for being able to do what Hillary could not do."

Black Leader, a Clinton Ally, Tilts to Obama - NYT

by ravi
Representative John Lewis, an elder statesman from the civil rights era and one of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s most prominent black supporters, said Thursday night that he planned to cast his vote as a superdelegate for Senator Barack Obama in hopes of preventing a fight at the Democratic convention.

AlterNet: Obamanomics: Barack Talks Tough on Trade

by ravi
On Wednesday, the first full day of a Wisconsin primary campaign that he hopes will solidify his emerging lead over his once "inevitable" rival, the Illinois senator started in Janesville, where he delivered a rebuke to free-trade policies of the Bill Clinton and George Bush eras that sounded a little like a speech Feingold might have delivered.

Democracy Now! | Ralph Nader Launches Presidential Exploratory Committee to Mull '08 Run

by ravi
The same day John Edwards exited the race, longtime consumer advocate Ralph Nader launched a presidential exploratory committee to decide whether to run as an independent candidate.


Elections communications

by camel
A quelques mois des prochaines élections municipales, la communication institutionnelle est strictement réglementée par le Code électoral. Les équipes sortantes doivent notamment veiller à ne pas confondre communication habituelle de la commune et propagande électorale. Comment s’y prendre en pratique ?

Les notes de l'AMF

by camel
Elections municipales de 2008 : les règles de la période préélectorale L’examen des dispositions du Code électoral permet d’établir un calendrier qui distingue plusieurs dates à compter desquelles un certain nombre d’interdictions et de règles spécifiques entrent en vigueur. Ces dispositions, résumées ci-après, sont détaillées dans la note jointe, téléchargeable au format PDF

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