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PUBLIC MARKS with tag evento


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by gpdimonderose
ontopologia degli eventi


Apply Serious Games 2006

by bcpbcp (via)
# Experiental and informal learning # Sustainable communities # Effective teams & leadership # Work-flow performance support

Game/AI: AI Planning for games and characters CFP

by bcpbcp (via)
However though AI Planning has much to contribute to both these fields, particularly in producing more convincing Non-Player Characters and autonomous intelligent characters, few AI planning researchers have been involved in this work, and the technology, where applied at all, has often been used in a somewhat ad hoc way. In addition, games company use of AI planning has so far been limited - A*-based motion planning the main exception - with practitioners feeling that the technology is too computationally expensive or risky for integration into computer games.

GLS Conference Overview

by bcpbcp (via)
Recent research has begun to elucidate the key principles of learning that well-designed games can and do embody. At the same time, the broader social significance of gaming culture has become a topic for scholarship across a diversity of fields. Games and simulations do not only reveal new worlds in the virtual realm, they also inspire new world views in the physical one. A vast range of videogames and game-related literature has found its way into curriculum, business, entertainment, and government across the country. Millions of people play, both for work and for recreation – and they participate in ongoing economic and social change as a result. As interest in videogames intensifies and the number of events dedicated to their discussion increases, it is crucial that issues of learning and the social role of games do not get lost in the equally worthy cause of industry-building.

PUC realizará Festival Universitário de Games, em São Paulo - 23/02/2006 - UOL Jogos

by bcpbcp (via)
De 1º a 4 de junho, a PUC-SP realizará o I Festival Universitário de Games, com o objetivo de reunir experimentos em jogos produzidos por estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação dentro das universidades. Valem trabalhos para disciplinas, projetos de conclusão de cursos, inovação tecnológica ou mesmo games criados pelos por estudantes universitários fora do contexto de seus cursos (desde que não tenham sido desenvolvidos dentro de empresas).

FILE - Electronic Language International Festiva

by bcpbcp
FILE - Electronic Language International Festival is opening registrations for its seventh edition, that will be held at Sesi Paulista's cultural space, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in the period from August 14 to September 3, 2006. Subscriptions are open from Febraury 10 to March 31, 2006. Submissions are free and open to professionals, researchers and students of the electronic language.

Terra Nova: GLS Conference: Submissions Deadline Extended

by bcpbcp
Deadline for submission to the second annual Games, Learning & Society (GLS) Conference to be held June 15-16, 2006 in Madison, Wisconsin has been extended to March 3, 2006.

Casual Game Design » Game design at Casuality Europe

by bcpbcp
# Make it really hard. # Have a dozen mediocre game modes instead of one good one. # Make it a 600 MB download that requires two next generation video cards and 4GB RAM. # Price your game at $35 or $3.50 and sell only from your myspace homepage. # Use the right mouse button. # Give it a terrible name or theme. # Award low scores. # Expect users to read. # Make it challenging and cerebral. # Ignore what everyone else says about your game.

CDG - Conferência de Desenvolvedores de Games - Powered by Technoloy and Training

by bcpbcp
10, 11 e 12 de março. O desenvolvimento de Games caminha para uma revolução em todos os aspectos da indústria, logo a CDG 2006 se prontifica a responder à todas as perguntas sobre o sucesso da mesma.Saiba como caminha o desenvolvimento do mercado de Games, conheça novas ferramentas, veja depoimentos dos responsáveis por esse mercado no Brasil, participe de mesas redondas e ganhe pleno acesso aos profissionais dessa área. Se você pode sonhar, você pode realizar!!!

"God of War" é o grande vencedor de premiação de Academia - 10/02/2006 - UOL Jogos - UOL Jogos

by bcpbcp
A Academia de Artes e Ciências Interativas - AIAS, na sigla em inglês - anunciou os vencedores do Prêmio Anual de Realização Interativa. A premiação ocorreu no congresso DICE (sigla para design, inovação, criação e entretenimento), realizando entre 8 e 10 de fevereiro. - Pre-Colombian Ball Games

by bcpbcp
"Por Ti América" (website in Portuguese), and it is taking place at the CCBB Rio, in Brazil.

by bcpbcp (via)
ACM is hosting a two-day video game symposium on 29 July and 30 July in 2006, co-located with SIGGRAPH 06 in Boston, MA, USA. The symposium will consist of keynotes, panels and papers. In addition, a "Hot Games" session will preview unreleased titles from major game companies and indie developers.

Living Game Worlds 2006 | A Symposium | Home

by bcpbcp (via)
Digital designers for the past two decades and for the foreseeable future are faced with inventing their medium at the same time as they invent particular applications. What have we learned that can speed up the process of harnessing the power of the computer as a medium of human expression? This Symposium brings together leading designers from several traditions – to share their own processes and to reflect on the future of design.

Grand Text Auto » Computational Aesthetics Workshop at AAAI

by bcpbcp
Our aesthetic agency for beauty and emotion is one of the most celebrated bastions of humanity. If machines could understand and affect our perceptions of beauty and happiness, they could touch people's lives in fantastic new ways. Drawing variously from work in diverse fields such as psychology, cognitive science, and philosophy, recent applications of artificial intelligence have begun their foray into the computation of, inter alia, art, music, poetry, and affect. Both the theory and praxis of aesthetics by computational means are seeing rapid advances, and the time is ripe for thematic integration. Hence, this workshop will bring together AI theorists and practitioners across various realms in study and celebration of its central thematic, COMPUTATIONAL AESTHETICS.

Slashdot | Sex in Games Conference Announced

by bcpbcp
According to the group putting it on, the conference is to 'focus on the design, development, and technology of sex in video games from a national as well as international perspective.'

Horizontal Shooter with Boss Competition!!!

by bcpbcp
The Competition, dubbed "Horizontal Shooter with Boss!" is all about horizontal shooter games. So anyone who wants to get involved, all you have to do is put your entry in by March 20th, 2006. This gives you plenty of time for creation!!

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last mark : 01/08/2006 01:55

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