public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags feeds & tags

May 2006 - digg / slashdot / popular

by slogoo & 44 others
Digg, slashdot, 和 ,几乎成为用户固定访问的网站。因此,diggdot.us将这三个网站进行了整合。站点用TurboGears来建设,不再用PHP。 | home

by slogoo & 5 others
RssHut来自各个资讯站点的RSS feeds集萃, 设计有特别的会员区域, 方便用户阅读,管理和添加喜好的feeds.


by slogoo & 5 others
OPML增加新的RSS新闻聚合. 包括一个先进的Podcast播客, 可以播放视频文件, 也包括一个"阅读清单", 允许用户订阅别人推荐的内容.

Simpy - tagging, social bookmarking and personal search engine

by slogoo & 51 others

January 2006

December 2005

October 2005

Feedexa - Free web-based feed aggregator - Welcome

by cnkenlee & 7 others
a free online feed aggregator for subscribing, searching and tagging feeds, blogs and the like json feeds

by thauser & 5 others
You can load a javascript object that contains your latest bookmarks, by including the following script: […] The object itself is an array named Delicious.posts comprised of zero or more objects, each representing a post. Each post object has a url valu

Tagged with webfeed

by cnkenlee
FeedAlley.Com (still in alpha) is a social bookmark webfeed manager.

September 2005

June 2005

urlgreyhot : Making libraries more delicious: Social bookmarking in the enterprise

by svartling & 4 others (via)
The idea to take the concept of social bookmarking and turn it into more than just a bookmark saving service came as the result of several different types of requests we've gotten in the past. One type of request was for a way to clip or save articles found on our site digital library site. We aggregate a wide variety of diverse sources. The most relevant databases include vendor news (e.g. feeds from Factiva for newspapaers and journals) and internal databases (e.g. internal news publications, technical documents repository).

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag feeds

aggregator +   agrégateur +   blogs +   entertainment +   feed +   hubdog +   infotainement +   media +   mobile +   multimedia +   news +   pc +   pocket +   podcast +   podcasting +   ppc +   social +   tools +   video +   web2.0 +   windows +   xml +  

Active users

last mark : 30/05/2006 06:37

last mark : 20/01/2006 13:19

last mark : 30/12/2005 00:34

last mark : 25/10/2005 08:08

last mark : 15/10/2005 14:25

last mark : 12/10/2005 10:27

last mark : 14/09/2005 12:34

last mark : 30/06/2005 19:26

last mark : 03/06/2005 00:37