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❤️ 🛠 BOKMARKLETS - ImgOps > Image Bookmarklets / Firefox Addon

by decembre
Useful bookmarklet apps for online photos. But seems not working... You can use (FireFox) which provide this tool too and many other - Fully Customisable: Image Search Options ImgOps : Our main bookmarklet app for image operations. Each operation is a free and instant online image app; no account required. TO USE: While viewing any web page, click the bookmarklet; Choose from the list of images on that page; Choose a utility. The web utilities listed will include free online image editors, GIF editors, instant online photo hosting, Instagram-like filters, photo forensic tools, EXIF data, and several ways to search the web for information about an image. Enable Save: A bookmarklet app to help you save images or text. It disables all click-blockers on a web page so you can use the context menu, save images, or copy text. TO USE: While viewing any web page, click the bookmarklet; Right-click on an image, or select text on the page; Copy or save. This handy tool is more powerful than similar click-enablers which enable right-click. It work on all frames and it disables all click handlers on all page elements. It might cause some web pages to stop working as expected, but reloading the effected page will return it to normal.


Programmer ses enregistrements Free avec FreeRecord pour Firefox

by nhoizey
« FreeRecord est une extension (add-on) pour Firefox >=3.5. Elle fonctionne sur toute plate-forme, Window, Mac OS X et Linux. Elle vous permet, sur la donnée de votre indentifiant et mot de passe de connexion à votre interface de gestion Free, de programmer à distance des enregistrements sur votre FreeboxHD. »


:: SiteBar :: What is SiteBar?

by camel
* What is SiteBar? * Screenshot Tour * Getting Started * Services and Prices * Get Involved! * Server Software * Contact Us Ads by TLA * bookmark manager * $100 in FREE Links * Home * » * What is SiteBar? What is SiteBar? Why SiteBar? SiteBar is a solution for people who use multiple browsers or computers and want to have their bookmarks available from anywhere without need to synchronize them or take them along. The bookmarks are stored on a server - this could be: * a SiteBar server run by its authors (you don't need to install SiteBar software - just sign up our service); * another public server running our SiteBar software; * your own server running our free SiteBar software. Integration with Many Browsers The bookmarks are displayable/modifiable in almost any standards compliant browser. SiteBar is a ready to use Internet Explorer Favorites Manager, Firefox Bookmark Manager, Mozilla Bookmark Manager, Opera Bookmark Manager and more ... Bookmark Import and Bookmark Export for Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla/Netscape, Opera, XBEL, RSS, Atom, OPML, RDF, ...



by parmentierf & 4 others (via)
Instantbird is a multi-protocol Instant Messaging client. Using it, you can connect to all your different IM accounts. It uses the Mozilla rendering engine to display IMs, and the Pidgin libpurple to connect to the different networks. Instantbird is a free and open source software. So you are free to use, distribute and modify it.

by plasticdreams & 1 other
how do i cange goto prev/next tab? only [cmd]+[{] or [cmd]+[}] works goto history back when tab has its history


by maxxyme & 8 others
collection of free tools for surfing porn with Firefox



by dfracheb & 4 others
Sxipper is a free plug-in for Firefox that lets you log into any website with a single click. Sxipper saves you time by keeping track of all of your user IDs, passwords, and the personal data you share every day over the web. Sxipper logs you in securely and helps to prevent you from being victimized by phishing sites and phony logins.


by cascamorto & 3 others
Foxmarks keeps your bookmarks automatically synchronized between two or more computers. A simple wizard guides you through the startup process. Foxmarks works silently in the background. As a bonus feature, you can access your bookmarks from anywhere via It's simple and solid. - Firefox Portable - your browser, your way... in your pocket

by cascamorto & 8 others
Mozilla Firefox - Portable Edition (formerly Portable Firefox) is the popular Mozilla Firefox web browser packaged with a Launcher as a portable app, so you can take your bookmarks, extensions and saved passwords with you.

Zotero - The Next-Generation Research Tool

by cascamorto & 33 others
Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources. It lives right where you do your work — in the web browser itself. Features : Automatic capture of citation information from web pages Storage of PDFs, files, images, links, and whole web pages Flexible notetaking with autosave Fast, as-you-type search through your materials Playlist-like library organization, including saved searches (smart collections) and tags Platform for new forms of digital research that can be extended with other web tools and services Runs right in your web browser Formatted citation export (style list to grow rapidly)

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag firefox

addon +   annuaire +   annuaires +   form +   forms +   seo +  

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