Last Day Dream [HD] on Vimeo
by sbrothier (via)"Last Day Dream" a man watches his life pass before him
Shot entirely on Lensbaby Lenses and Canon 5D Mark II SLR Camera
lost in a moment on Vimeo
by sbrothierone take impromptu film made in Tokyo by Dennis Wheatley and Stefan McClean.
We were sitting in this sushi bar pondering how best to set up a camera to film things all by itself whilst we were in Tokyo.
Take our hands out of the equation... let the camera have its own journey.
I'd taken a cannibalised record turntable with me from the UK with the idea of filming slow panoramas but it was painfully bumpy and stopped every minute.
Then we had our eureka moment and filmed this.
A few years later I was working on a piece of music and married the two together.
The music is all about that feeling when you're half asleep in the sun.. the ambiance of foreign voices becomes a lullaby to dream away.
Mr. Hyde fabricant de films courts
by sbrothier & 2 othersMr. Hyde est une maison de production qui présente, comme une galerie, des travaux filmiques
de réalisateurs issus pour la plupart du court métrage. Crée à l'initiative d'Hervé Lopez, ex créatif de BDDP/TBWA Paris,
Mr. Hyde a pour objectif d'apporter aux créatifs, agences et annonceurs, des solutions créatives et économiques
pour produire des films de publicité mais aussi des clips et des formats courts.
(3 marks)