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PUBLIC MARKS with tags fluid & css


The 1140px CSS Grid System/Framework · Fluid down to mobile

by Pictode & 5 others
The 1140 grid fits perfectly into a 1280 monitor. On smaller monitors it becomes fluid and adapts to the width of the browser. Beyond a certain point it uses media queries to serve up a mobile version, which essentially stacks all the columns on top of each other so the flow of information still makes sense. Scrap 1024! Design once at 1140 for 1280, and with very little extra work, it will adapt itself to work on just about any monitor, even mobile.


Fixed vs. Fluid vs. Elastic Layout: What's The Right One For You? | How-To | Smashing Magazine

by claire_ & 1 other
The problem has boggled the minds of Web designers for years: fixed, fluid, elastic or a hybrid layout design? Each option has its benefits and disadvantages. But the final decision depends so much on usability that it is not one to be made lightly. So, with all the confusion, is there a right decision? By considering a few factors and properly setting up the final design, you can end up with a successful layout design that reaps all the benefits.

Fluid 960 Grid System | 12-column Grid

by nhoizey
The Fluid 960 Grid System templates have been built upon the work of Nathan Smith and his 960 Grid System

Fluid 960 Grid System | 16-column Grid |

by simon_bricolo & 2 others
The Fluid 960 Grid System templates have been built upon the work of Nathan Smith and his 960 Grid System using effects from the Mootools JavaScript library.


Particletree · Dynamic Resolution Dependent Layouts

by nhoizey & 15 others (via)
a dynamic resolution dependent layout implementation that I think provides a strong alternative for those trying to find a balance between fluid and fixed layouts

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