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PUBLIC MARKS with tags framework & interface


jQuery Mobile | jQuery Mobile

by Xavier Lacot & 8 others
A multi-mobile-browsers javascript framework, which provides UI elements for building application-like interfaces. This library is built on jQuery and jQuery UI.

User Interface Design Framework | Huge GUI elements library for Illustrator | 290 free vectors icons

by claire_ & 3 others
A free User Interface Design tool for Web Designers • Design faster wireframes and create better mockup deliverables in Illustrator. • Design usable application interface with hundreds of common GUI elements : just drop them from Illustrator Panels or pick them in the library files. • Customize easily the vectors GUI elements to your own needs : you can easily resize, color or tweak their appearance. • Benefit from a consistent UI elements library made by a web designer expert in application interface design

UKI, Javascript et Interface Utilisateur| Webmaster – Ressources et outils gratuits pour votre site internet – Free Tools| Free Tools, Le meilleur des outils gratuits pour webmaster

by eledo34
Avec UKI, framework Javascript léger et rapide, vous serez en mesure de créer des applications web complexes dotées d’une interface utilisateur efficace. Le framework UKI est très léger (32 kb compressé et 203 kb pour la version de développement avec les commentaires). Les exemples mis en ligne montreront la puissance de ce framework, en particulier [...]

OpenZoom: Promoting and Supporting High-Resolution Images & Zoomable User Interfaces (ZUIs) on the Web

by Spone & 4 others
The OpenZoom Project promotes and supports the use of high-resolution images and Zoomable User Interfaces (ZUIs) on the web. OpenZoom provides frameworks, tools and documentation to enable you to create great user experiences.



by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
Picok stands for Personal Information Cockpit. It's an open source software package, aimed at enableing users to build their personal information dashboards. The users content is loaded into small draggable boxes, so called portlets, and layed out in a tabbed column-based interface. There are a quite few standard portlets shipped with Picok, but since it is an open system, maintainers of picok installations can easily create portlets of their own. Picok is written in PHP 5, uses the Yahoo User Interface Library and Zend Framework Components and supports MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Lotus Notes and is ready to be integrated into your corporate intranet, website or community platform as well.


Ajaxian » CiUI: CNET iPhone UI

by nhoizey
Vladimir Olexa of CNET has released CiUI a iUI inspired iPhone JavaScript libary that mimics the iPhone UI behavior.

2007 » JavaScript Image Cropper UI, using Prototype &

by camel & 6 others
The JavaScript image cropper UI allows the user to crop an image using an interface with the same features and styling as found in commercial image editing software, and is is based on the Prototype JavaScript framework and

Rhizome Navigation - Interface Framework

by oqdbpo
Rhizome Navigation Interface Framework Rhizome Navigation is a framework for building graph based interactive environments and interfaces for a broad range of applications. The samples below include blogosphere visualizations, text mining, visualization of large genealogy data sets and prototypes of interfaces for graph based knowledge management.


DLFP: Sortie de la solution Os-Café 0.9

by camel
OS-Cafe est une solution complète de gestion d’un cybercafé sous Linux (Kubuntu Dapper Drake). Il a été développé et intégré, cet été, à l’OpenSource Café de Lyon. Il comprend un ensemble de logiciels pré-configurés et optimisés tels que : * le logiciel Nodeview (gestion de comptes, tickets, utilisant une base berkeleyDB) * le logiciel Openkiosk (environnement coté client) * le logiciel Bigsister (outil de monitoring réseau via interface web) * un framework complet afin de simplifier l’installation/administration des machines (voir ci dessous). * un portail captif Wi-Fi complet permettant une surveillance poussée des connexions.

Book excerpt: Framework Design Guidelines

by nhoizey (via)
Chapter 4 of Framework Design Guidelines, titled "Type Design Guidelines," presents patterns that describe when and how to design classes, constructs and interfaces. In this chapter, Abrams and Cwalina divide types into four groups and discuss the do's and don'ts of type design. Download the chapter here.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag framework

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Xavier Lacot
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