public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags free & phone


VoIP by sipgate - Free phone service for your VoIP phone

by ycc2106
No monthly charges, no set up fees, no monthly minimum, yet includes landline features like three-way calling and conferencing.


Free Phone Calls with freebuzzer |

by simon_bricolo
International free phone call but only for 2 minutes



by springnet
googles 800-4664-411 service rocks fee directory assistance with text messaging and maps


by jl2k5 & 2 others
- Accès immédiat, simple et GRATUIT au service : Je choisis mon code nuba. - Simple d’utilisation, je communique aux participants le N° de tel nuba et mon code. - Convivial, je réutilise ou change mon code nuba autant de fois que je le souhaite. - Sans contrainte, GRATUIT, pas d’engagement, pas de facturation. - Sans limites, le service est accessible depuis l’international. - Avant-gardiste : nuba répond aux exigences des plus experts.


by DianeShen & 3 others
澳洲 打電話到 台灣 免費

Free interne phone service for life .USA costumers.USA internet access

by semco
Refer 3 customers to us and your DVoice phone service could be FREE for LIFE ! Here's how: In addition to getting free phone service, you could actually use our Referral Program to earn additional income. Unlike other referral programs that only pay you a one-time referral fee, our commissions are RECURRING and MULTI-LEVEL. Therefore, your income is COMPOUNDING and will grow to be quite substantial after a period of time. In fact, if you refer just 3 customers to us every month you could potentially earn $4,329 after 1 year. Use our commission calculator below to see how much money you can earn!

Free internet and phone service for life

by semco
Refer 3 customers to us and your DVoice phone service could be FREE for LIFE ! Here's how: In addition to getting free phone service, you could actually use our Referral Program to earn additional income. Unlike other referral programs that only pay you a one-time referral fee, our commissions are RECURRING and MULTI-LEVEL. Therefore, your income is COMPOUNDING and will grow to be quite substantial after a period of time. In fact, if you refer just 3 customers to us every month you could potentially earn $4,329 after 1 year. Use our commission calculator below to see how much money you can earn!

TheCricLinks: Freenautes - Téléphoner sans Freebox - INFOSBILOU

by TheCric & 1 other
Téléphoner via un ordinateur sur Internet à partir de SA PROPRE LIGNE FREE (et donc au tarif de la FREEBOX ) à partir de n'importe où


Free calls - if you let everyone listen

by glaxo
Site offers free phone calls via their toll free number. The only catch is, they record and publish the calls.

JAJAH - la téléphonie par Internet |

by simon_bricolo & 28 others
permet de téléphoner gratuitement d'un fixe à un autre en passant par le site de Jajah (ä tester)

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag free

file +   gpl +   http +   load balance +   proxy +   security +   server +   ssl +   web +  

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