public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags funny & web2site

12 July 2006

27 June 2006

Track, share, and compare Net Worth. How do you measure up? NetworthIQ

by jackiege & 3 others (via)

25 June 2006

18 June 2006

Extortr: online blackmail for the masses

by jackiege & 5 others (via)
upload a scandalous photo or video, set a price and use Extortr to send an anonymous threat by email. If your victim doesn’t pay, the upload goes public. The service takes a 10% cut of all transactions, with a $5 minimum. Payments are made via Paypal or - in some cases - deposited into a Swiss bank account.

isolatr beta

by jackiege & 11 others
helping you find where other people aren't

snubster - beta

by jackiege & 6 others
An antisocial network. In protest against the growing number of online social networks, Snubster lets you create lists of people you don't like. A fun idea.

12 June 2006

04 June 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag funny

design +   google +   html +   humore +   makeit +   tool +   webdesign +  

Active users

last mark : 12/07/2006 11:30