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PUBLIC MARKS with tags geo & gis


An Introduction to Spatial Programming With RGeo

by Spone
One of the most important current trends in the high-tech industry is the rise of spatial and location-based technologies. Once the exclusive domain of complex GIS systems, these technologies are now increasingly available in small applications, websites, and enterprises. This document provides a brief overview of the concepts, techniques, and tools for implementing location-aware application features, focusing on the Ruby programming language and an open-source technology stack.



by Spone (via)
SQLite is a popular DBMS, simple, robust, easy to use and really lightweight each SQLite database is simply a file; you can freely copy it, compress it, send it on a LAN or WEB with no complication at all They are also portables; the same database file will work on Windows, Linux, MacOs etc the SpatiaLite extension enables SQLite to support spatial data too [aka GEOMETRY], in a way conformant to OpenGis specifications



by greut & 2 others

A world-class geographic web framework

Django using adapted to a GIS backend (like PostGIS)



location-formats - Microformats

by pvk & 1 other
list of previous efforts at location / geographic ("Geo") data formats and protocols, as background research for developing a location format.

GeoRDF - ESW Wiki

by pvk
An RDF compatible profile for geo information (points, lines and polygons)

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag geo

atom +   earth +   flickr +   flux +   geoblog +   geojson +   georss +   geotagged +   geotagging +   GML +   géolocalisation +   google +   google earth +   google maps +   GPX +   html +   kml +   machine tags +   maps +   microformats +   rss +   triple tags +   w3c geo +  

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