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PUBLIC MARKS with tag git



Rebasing dependent branches with Git (Example)

by ghis
Example of how to keep main, feature and workpackage branches in sync with git rebase.

git assume-unchanged vs skip-worktree - FallenGameR's blog — LiveJournal

by ghis
Commit config file but then ignore local changes


Deploy complex application, seamlessly | Qovery

by srcmax
Deploy complex application, seamlessly Just push your code, we handle the rest

Git-backed CMS for Gatsby, Gridsome, Eleventy, Hugo, VuePress, Jekyll, etc. |

by srcmax & 1 other
A static CMS that commits Give your editors the power of Git. Create and edit Markdown-based content with ease.




by srcmax
Gitless is a version control system built on top of Git. Many people complain that Git is hard to use. We think the problem lies deeper than the user interface, in the concepts underlying Git. Gitless is an experiment to see what happens if you put a simple veneer on an app that changes the underlying concepts. Because Gitless is implemented on top of Git (could be considered what Git pros call a "porcelain" of Git), you can always fall back on Git

Sublime Merge - Git, done Sublime

by Krome & 1 other
Meet a new Git client, from the makers of Sublime Text

Sublime Merge - Git, done Sublime

by srcmax & 1 other
A snappy UI, three-way merge tool, side-by-side diffs, syntax highlighting, and more.

A Visual Git Reference

by NiMe
This page gives brief, visual reference for the most common commands in git. Once you know a bit about how git works, this site may solidify your understanding.

Netlify CMS | Open-Source Content Management System

by srcmax
Open source content management for your Git workflow Use Netlify CMS with any static site generator for a faster and more flexible web project

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag git

application +   github +   iphone +   management +   open source +   service +   shortening +   tool +   url +   version control +  

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last mark : 19/03/2019 07:45

last mark : 13/11/2018 16:51