Segment - We make customer data simple.
by SponeSegment is the single hub to collect, translate and route your customer data.
Altiboard - Un tableau de bord analytics facile et gratuit
by tonio78altima° lance altiboard, un dashboard 100% e-commerce permettant de créer en quelques secondes une photographie complète de votre activité ! Monitorez votre e-commerce simplement, rapidement et gratuitement. Aucune configuration, aucune implémentation • Disponible en français, anglais, chinois et russe • Fonctionne avec Google Analytics (et bientôt plus…)
Scroll Depth - A Google Analytics plugin for measuring page scrolling
by srcmax & 3 othersScroll Depth is a small Google Analytics plugin that allows you to measure how far down the page your users are scrolling. It monitors the 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% scroll points, sending a Google Analytics Event at each one.
Handsome Stats
by Spone & 3 othersHandsome Stats gives you a beautifully clear snapshot of your Google Analytics
It’s excellent for helping clients understand their site traffic.
(5 marks)