public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags google & gears

February 2010

Plupload - A tool for uploading files using Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 or Browserplus

by Xavier Lacot & 4 others
Pupload is a jQuery implementation of a multi-upload widget. If uses either a Falsh component, html5, Gears, Silverlight or Yahoo BrowserPlus in order to provide a strong and highly reliable multi-upload system.

September 2009

February 2009

October 2008

Google Gears : version off-line d'une application - Pascal MARTIN (n 1).zéro

by damdec
Cet article est le second d'une série visant au développement d'une mini-application vous permettant de travailler hors-ligne, à l'aide de Google Gears. Le premier article vous a appris comment stocker les fichiers statiques de votre site sur les postes clients de vos utilisateurs.

September 2008

August 2008

Geolocation Module API - Gears API - Google Code

by greut

The Geolocation module enables a web application to obtain a user's geographical position.

how evil is this?

April 2008

Google Docs Offline has arrived!

by nhoizey
This has been a long time coming and now it's finally here! The Google Docs team proudly presents to you Google Docs offline! Before I dive deeper, let me clarify what this really means

November 2007

Google Code FAQ - GearsMonkey: Google Gears + Greasemonkey to take Wikipedia offline

by nhoizey
By using Google Gears with the Firefox Greasemonkey plugin, you can inject Gears code into any website that you want. Don't wait for your favorite website to enable offline support -- do it yourself.

September 2007

June 2007

gears-dblib - Google Code

by greut (via)
A simple abstraction on top of the Database object in Gears

May 2007

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag google

"vie +   données +   privée" +  

Active users

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 18/02/2010 13:20

last mark : 28/09/2009 12:36

last mark : 02/02/2009 13:19

last mark : 22/10/2008 09:13

last mark : 03/10/2008 18:01

last mark : 15/09/2008 19:25

last mark : 26/08/2008 08:16

last mark : 22/08/2008 09:19

last mark : 01/04/2008 08:53

last mark : 04/06/2007 08:29

François Hodierne
last mark : 28/01/2009 08:40

last mark : 31/05/2007 08:19