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PUBLIC MARKS with tags google & "google earth"


英フィリップ殿下の質問にグーグル幹部が赤面 写真2枚 国際ニュース : AFPBB News

by kuroyagi
"女王夫妻や幹部らがいたグーグルの新本社ビルは、バッキンガム宮殿からは数百メートルの距離。しかし、幹部らがいくら地図をクリックしてもグーグル英国本社は画面に現れない。周辺の道路は見えるのに、本社があるべき場所は空白のままだ。「建物が建つ前の画像なので」と、ニケシュ・アローラ(Nikesh Arora) ヨーロッパ事業運営担当副社長が、苦し紛れに説明した。 "

Google Earth dans votre navigateur

by Krome & 1 other
Un plugin est maintenant disponible pour disposer de Google Earth dans votre navigateur Internet. Ce plugin est disponible pour Firefox 2.x, IE 6 et IE 7, mais seulement sur Windows.

Google Earth sur la trace des réfugiés

by kooolman
"Les agences humanitaires auront la possibilité d'y ajouter des commentaires audio et vidéo expliquant la situation et leur travail sur place."


16 accidents vus du ciel

by kooolman
"Forcément, elle va marcher beaucoup moins bien maintenant !" Série d'accidents chopés par Google Earth.

Google Earth

by & 2 others
Google Earth™ vous propose de visualiser les résultats des élections pour la présidence de la République Française. 1. Visualisez l’ensemble des communes et départements français. 2. Recherchez des informations sur les candidats à la présidence de la République Française. 3. Après leur parution, consultez les résultats du 1er et 2nd tour commune par commune.

Un Vélo'Vite

by boninmat & 1 other
Une carte pour trouver les stations Vélo'V de l'agglomération lyonnaise et consulter leur disponibilité en temps réel !

witness the destruction for yourself

by crazy_chris
Crisis in Darfur: Google & US Holocause Memorial Museum started a collaboration to bring hi-resolution images of the region to Google Earth.

Google Earth Community: Upian

by srcmax
Upian et sur Google Earth !

Australia Day 2007 on Google Maps

by srcmax
Google Australia is celebrating Australia Day 2007 by photographing Sydney Harbour from the air, and we want to make sure as many of us as possible squeeze into the picture. So when you see the Google branded plane flying overhead this January 26th, hoist a sign, arrange your family into a fun formation or just get a bunch of friends together to wave. The plane has permission to fly low and will be taking hi-resolution pictures like this one of people on 'Het Plein' in The Hague. Wear or do something distinctive to make sure you can spot yourself.


Trippermap - Geotagging Flickr photos with Google Earth

by nhoizey
Google Earth is by far the best source of geographic information on the web. Combined with the Trippermap Geotagger you can easily add geographic information or "geotags" to your own Flickr photos. Adding geotags allows you to use various web scripts and applications designed by the Flickr community.

Google Code: Google Earth KML Tutorial

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
The Google Earth KML Document details everything you need to know to create and share information with the Google Earth client.

Talk Maps

by parmentierf & 2 others (via)
Une carte Google Earth indiquant la position de divers utilisateurs de Google Talk. - Reception

by jdrsantos & 2 others
TheCity Local will give you the opportunity to meet people who lives near your house thanks to Google Earth. This one leave to the disposition of everyone world's pictures taken by satellites, and you can zoom in on every part of the World !

Sauce Ketchup

by boninmat
Le monde à votre goût ! Répértoire des meilleurs endroits de la planète


Play The Google Earth Contest

by bcpbcp
Using Google Earth placemarks and web pages, we've created the world's biggest interactive game.In order to beat the GameMaster, you must follow the clues and utilize the Checkpoint feature to move ahead.Once you've beaten the first GameMaster, you'll advance to the BIG GAME of EARTH CONTEST where you'll compete with other self proclaimed super sleuths for BIG REWARDS!

Nova formiga é encontrada com o Google Earth - Terra - Internet

by bcpbcp
Cientistas da Academia de Ciências da Califórnia identificaram uma nova espécie de formiga graças ao Google Earth. O inseto foi encontrado na Ilha de Madagascar, cadastrado no programa e comparado com as espécies existentes.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag google

ads +   adsrank +   comscore +   cost +   data +   e-mail +   hitwise +   microsoft +   msft +   msn +   myspace +   nielsen +   outsell +   search +   search engine +   share +   susquehanna +   traffic +   webmail +   yahoo +   yahoo! +  

Active users

last mark : 27/10/2008 11:50

last mark : 25/09/2008 20:22

last mark : 21/01/2010 11:07

last mark : 08/04/2008 16:25

last mark : 30/09/2007 13:59

last mark : 27/05/2007 16:25
last mark : 20/04/2007 15:08

last mark : 11/04/2007 11:09

last mark : 03/11/2006 15:39

last mark : 06/09/2006 09:09

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 12/07/2006 09:09

last mark : 01/06/2006 17:04

last mark : 20/05/2006 09:50

last mark : 31/01/2006 16:45

last mark : 06/10/2005 15:15

last mark : 06/10/2005 02:59