January 2009
June 2008
May 2008
Planet Size Comparison
by knann (via)What a great tool to see how the sun and planets compare in size. Try it, it's easy: In the first box choose "Sun". In the second box, choose "Mercury". Next, click the word "compare" located between the two boxes. Try different variations.
October 2007
September 2007
The Space Place
by knann (via)Come on in and check out our games, animations, projects, and fun facts about Earth, space and technology.
Planet Image Cards
by knannPerfect images for the Size and Distance Activity located here: http://cse.ssl.berkeley.edu/AtHomeAstronomy/activity_10.html
eWord Game
by knannCompanion to textbook Houghton Mifflin Spelling and Vocabulary but still useful for grades 1-6. Hover over the word or definition to hear it read aloud.
March 2007
by knann & 5 othersKerpoof is a site designed to inspire creativity among children as they interact with the pictures. They can select a scene and add items to the scene and/or adjust object sizes . The scenes are richly varied, containing fantasy as well as international items. The site promises to change often. You can also find coloring sheets to print and color. You and your students can customize your own scenes, if you join (see classroom use tips). - 7759
In the Classroom: Use these online "scenes" for students to create their own writing prompts. Let students choose (you might want to limited their options to save time)and work individually or create a scene for the whole class on an interactive whiteboard. Then print it out and ask students to tell the story or write the paragraph about the scene. Special ed teachers and speech/language clinicians can use Kerpoof to prompt vocabulary development. Incorporate social studies and science curriculum topics by describing scenes with community workers, careers, farm animals, and more. NO reading required except to select print, save, etc.
If you "join" as a teacher, you can save the scenes your class creates and revisit them at a later date. Do NOT allow students to join unless you have parent permission. The information requested is very safe, but it would be simpler to use a whole-class account.
February 2007
Time for Kids
by knann & 1 otherCurrent news articles for grades k-1, 2-3, 4-7. Use with Clicker 5 or WordTalk for text to spech. Find the article, click the Print button. A new, plain web page will appear. Copy and paste directly into Word or a new Clicker document.
December 2005
NCTM : Illuminations Lessons
by knannInteractive Math tools for grades for K-12. Accompanied by lesson plans and NCTM standards
November 2005
by knannThis activity can be used to:recognize and explore the properties of tessellations, identify and examine symmetry in geometric figures,describe, and classify polygons, examine the role of mathematics in society and nature
October 2005
Comparing fractions and percentages activity.
by knannAn interactive exploration to compare fractions and percentages using a pizza, candy bar, measuring cup, and group of people. Good whole class activity or small group.
Introduction to Fractions
by knannTwo interactive explorations to visualize fractions. Good for whole class activities, recognizing patterns. Provides different ways of representing fractions (pizza, candy bar, people, measuring cup)
A Maths Dictionary for Kids
by knann & 1 other (via)An animated, interactive dictionary for students which explains 500 common mathematical terms in simple language.
(17 marks)