Microsoft Interop Forms Toolkit 2.0
by nhoizeyThe Interop Forms Toolkit 2.0 is a free add-in that simplifies the process of displaying .NET forms and controls in a Visual Basic 6 application. Instead of upgrading the entire code base, these applications can now be extended one form at a time.
Après Paris, Lyon teste le Wi-Fi gratuit - Actualités - ZDNet.fr
by kasi77La ville de Lyon emboîte le pas de la capitale : elle va mener une expérimentation de hotspots Wi-Fi gratuits sur un délai de 6 mois reconductibles. La marie a débuté le déploiement de réseaux sans fil ouverts au public dans « certains lieux emblématiques », rapporte l'AFP. Les lieux couverts sont les berges du Rhône, les places Louis-Pradel (près de l'Opéra) et Bellecour, ainsi que la rue de la République (la rue piétonne et commerçante du centre-ville).
Microsoft Enterprise Search Blog : Announcing Microsoft Search Server 2008 Express
by nhoizeyOur aim for Search Server Express is to give you a free and powerful enterprise search product that’s incredibly easy for you to deploy.
Paris Wi-Fi - Paris.fr
by nhoizey & 1 otherGrâce au service Paris Wi-Fi, mis en place par la Mairie de Paris et la Région Île de France, vous pourrez vous connecter gratuitement à l’Internet sans fil à haut débit, via 400 bornes réparties dans plus de 260 lieux municipaux
Free 18-week AJAX Training Online Course by Sang Shin
by nhoizey & 2 others (via)Des cours complets sur Ajax par un évangéliste de Sun
IE NetRenderer - Browser Compatibility Check -
by nhoizey & 14 others (via)This IE Browser Compatibility Checker allows you to see how your website is rendered by Internet Explorer 7, 6 or 5.5, as seen from a high speed datacenter located in Germany. Just type in a URL in the field above and try it out - it's free!
DNG vous offre gratuitement l'ouvrage "Conception orientée aspects" par Thomas Gil :: DotNetGuru.org :: Architecture .NET (DotNet)
by nhoizey (via)Après plus d'un an de commercialisation (en ligne) de l'ouvrage "Conception orientée aspects", Thomas Gil vous propose gratuitement de télécharger le fichier au format PDF.
Essential XML Quick Reference: A Programmer's Reference to XML, XPath, XSLT, XML Schema, SOAP, and More
by nhoizey & 4 othersAddison-Wesley and Developmentor have provided TheServerSide.NET with the entire book of Essential XML Quick Reference for free download. Essential XML Quick Reference is for anyone working with today's mainstream XML technologies. It was specifically designed to serve as a handy but thorough quick reference that answers the most common XML-related technical questions.
Visual Basic Developer Center: Free Book - Introducing Visual Basic 2005 for Developers
by nhoizey (via)Get a focused, first look at the features and capabilities in Microsoft Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, and .NET Framework 2.0. If you currently work with Visual Basic 6, these authors fully understand the adoption and code migration issues you’ll encounter. They’ll step you through a quick primer on .NET Framework programming, offering guidance for a productive transition. If you already work with .NET, you’ll jump directly into what’s new, learning how to extend your existing skills. From the innovations in rapid application development, debugging, and deployment, to new data access, desktop, and Web programming capabilities, you get the prerelease insights and code walkthroughs you need to get productive right away.
Visual Basic 6.0 Resource Center: Free Book - Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
by nhoizey (via)Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET is is the complete technical guide to upgrading Visual Basic 6 applications to Visual Basic .NET, covering all upgrade topics from APIs to ZOrders. It shows how to fix upgrade issues with forms, language, data access, and COM+ Services, and how to upgrade applications with XML Web services, ADO.NET, and .NET remoting. It also provides big-picture architectural advice, a reference of function and object model changes, hundreds of before-and-after code samples, and a CD packed with useful examples.
(10 marks)