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PUBLIC MARKS with tags gratuit & microsoft


Microsoft Interop Forms Toolkit 2.0

by nhoizey
The Interop Forms Toolkit 2.0 is a free add-in that simplifies the process of displaying .NET forms and controls in a Visual Basic 6 application. Instead of upgrading the entire code base, these applications can now be extended one form at a time.

Passez à GNU/Linux !

by parmentierf & 6 others (via)
GNU/Linux, ou simplement Linux, est une alternative à Microsoft Windows®. Il est facile à utiliser et donne plus de liberté aux utilisateurs. Linux est libre et gratuit : n'importe qui peut l'installer.


Microsoft Enterprise Search Blog : Announcing Microsoft Search Server 2008 Express

by nhoizey
Our aim for Search Server Express is to give you a free and powerful enterprise search product that’s incredibly easy for you to deploy.

MSDN Academics

by Titefee
Licences gratuites pour étudiants


Le Hold-up planetaire: la face cachée de Microsoft

by parmentierf & 6 others
Le Hold-up planetaire: la face cachée de Microsoft. Roberto Di Cosmo et Dominique Nora Calmann-Levy 1998, ISBN 2-7021-2923-4 Le livre disponible intégralement en ligne!

SyncToy for Windows XP

by nhoizey & 4 others
SyncToy is a free PowerToy for Microsoft Windows XP that provides an easy to use, highly customizable program that helps users to do the heavy lifting involved with the copying, moving, and synchronization of different directories.


Visual Basic Developer Center: Free Book - Introducing Visual Basic 2005 for Developers

by nhoizey (via)
Get a focused, first look at the features and capabilities in Microsoft Visual Basic 2005, Visual Studio 2005, and .NET Framework 2.0. If you currently work with Visual Basic 6, these authors fully understand the adoption and code migration issues you’ll encounter. They’ll step you through a quick primer on .NET Framework programming, offering guidance for a productive transition. If you already work with .NET, you’ll jump directly into what’s new, learning how to extend your existing skills. From the innovations in rapid application development, debugging, and deployment, to new data access, desktop, and Web programming capabilities, you get the prerelease insights and code walkthroughs you need to get productive right away.

Visual Basic 6.0 Resource Center: Free Book - Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET

by nhoizey (via)
Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET is is the complete technical guide to upgrading Visual Basic 6 applications to Visual Basic .NET, covering all upgrade topics from APIs to ZOrders. It shows how to fix upgrade issues with forms, language, data access, and COM+ Services, and how to upgrade applications with XML Web services, ADO.NET, and .NET remoting. It also provides big-picture architectural advice, a reference of function and object model changes, hundreds of before-and-after code samples, and a CD packed with useful examples.

DotNET-fr : e-Book gratuit sur MSDN : Passer de VB6 à VB.NET

by nhoizey (via)
Microsoft propose en téléchargement gratuit sur le site de MSDN l'intégrale du livre "Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET", sous la forme d'un document PDF par chapitre.

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