July 2008
syntaxhighlighter - Google Code
by nhoizeySyntaxHighlighter is here to help a developer/coder to post code snippets online with ease and have it look pretty. It's 100% Java Script based and it doesn't care what you have on your server.
Opera Web Standards Curriculum
by nhoizeyOpera et Yahoo! nous aident à apprendre à développer des sites Web en exploitant au mieux les standars. Miam !
June 2008
April 2008
Safari CSS Transform Guide for iPhone OS: -webkit-transform-style
by nhoizeyCoverFlow uniquement en CSS, c'est possible !
The seven rules of unobtrusive JavaScript
by nhoizey & 7 othersDo not make any assumptions, find your hooks and relationships, leave traversing to the experts, understand browsers and users, understand Events, play well with others, work for the next developer
Equidistant Objects with CSS - CSS-Tricks
by nhoizey & 5 othersCreating a horizontal row of objects that are equidistant from each other is another one of those things in web design that is much more difficult than it should be. This can be a very useful thing to do, especially in fluid width layouts when you are try
March 2008
Google Code Blog: How we improved performance on Google Code
by nhoizeyIf you're a frequent visitor to code.google.com for product updates and reference materials for Google APIs you're working with, you might have noticed that the page loading time (or page rendering time depending on how you see it) has reduced in varying
February 2008
Tripoli - a CSS standard for HTML rendering
by nhoizey & 3 othersTripoli is a generic CSS standard for HTML rendering. By resetting and rebuilding browser standards, Tripoli forms a stable, cross-browser rendering foundation for your web projects.
January 2008
Shadowbox.js Media Viewer
by nhoizey & 6 othersShadowbox is a cross-browser, cross-platform, cleanly-coded and fully-documented media viewer application written entirely in JavaScript.
Css Trick - Pure Css Text Gradients
by nhoizey & 3 othersText Gradient is a simple css trick that allows you to improve your site's appearance by putting gradients on system font titles using nothing but css and a png image.
Css Trick - Pure Css Text Gradients
by kasi77 & 3 othersText Gradient is a simple css trick that allows you to improve your site's appearance by putting gradients on system font titles using nothing but css and a png image.
December 2007
Home | Email Standards Project
by nhoizey & 22 othersOur goal is to help designers understand why web standards are so important for email, while working with email client developers to ensure that emails render consistently. A community effort to improve the email experience for both designers and readers
October 2007
Elements of Design: A Web Design Showcase
by nhoizey & 19 othersElements of Design is a different type of web design showcase focusing on specific aspects of web design.
September 2007
Ajaxian » CSS Sprite Generator Released
by nhoizeyCSS Sprite is a single image file which contains several graphics. Using CSS background positions it’s possible to display any one of the graphics. By using a sprite you save on multiple http requests which helps speed up the rendering of your page.
August 2007
July 2007
XRAY :: for web developers
by nhoizey & 15 othersXRAY is a bookmarklet for Safari, Firefox, Camino or Mozilla. Use it to see the box model for any element.
LightWindow Demo
by nhoizey & 14 othersCette librairie JavaScript permet de créer très facilement des pseudo fenêtre en sur impression de la page Web, pour montrer tout type de contenu. Dommage que ce soit basé sur Prototype et Scriptaculous, et non jQuery...
June 2007
SlickSpeed Selectors Test
by nhoizey & 7 othersDes tests de performances automatisés des principales librairie Javascript : Prototype, jQuery, MooTools, ext, cssQuery, dojo query
April 2007
A Guide to CSS Support in Email: 2007 Edition
by nhoizey & 19 others12 months since our original Guide to CSS Support in Email and quite a bit has changed since. Most significant of these changes was in the wrong direction, with Microsoft's decision to use the Word rendering engine instead of IE in Outlook 2007
Sveinbjorn Thordarson's Website - Using Data URLs Effectively with Cascading Style Sheets
by nhoizeyData URLs are a clever way of embedding images in HTML. Instead of linking to an image stored locally on the server, the image is provided within the URL itself as a base64-encoded string of data preceded by a mime-type. In this article I discuss how Data URLs can be effectively used to optimize website loading times and performance.
January 2007
POMPAGE - Emails HTML - Dompter la bête
by kasi77 & 27 othersSi vous êtes malchanceux et que le PDG utilise Lotus Notes mais veut que le design de l'email s'affiche partout de la même manière, tableaux et styles en ligne vous attendent.
November 2006
Particletree » Dynamic CSS Changes
by kasi77When changing the appearance of a site through the use of JavaScript, we usually see developers either switch the stylesheet of the page or change the class of an element. And then, on occasion, we see the practice of changing appearance right in the JavaScript with the style property. On their own, these methods are all fairly reliable, but they don’t play too nicely together.