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PUBLIC MARKS with tags gtk & gtk


Glade - A User Interface Designer

by nicolargo & 3 others
Glade, l'éditeur d'interfaces graphique GTK

PHP Advent 2009 / PHP in Odd Places

by Xavier Lacot
A tutorial on how to build a mobile application with php-gtk.


OOP in C - Before GObject

by mapleelpam
GObject Training tutorial, good for newbie (this is Chinese version) this slide try to introduce how to implement virtual function by pure C. these slides are inspired by GObject hacking.

OOP in C - Virtual Function

by mapleelpam
GObject Training tutorial, good for newbie (this is Chinese version) this slide try to introduce how to implement virtual function by pure C. these slides are inspired by GObject hacking.

OOP in C - Inherit

by mapleelpam
GObject Training tutorial, good for newbie (this is Chinese version)

GTK Reference Manual

by nicolargo (via)
Le manuel de référence de GTK

GtkFr - Cours Gtk -2:LeTutorial

by nicolargo & 1 other
Un tuto sur le framework GTK (en Français)

Gmrun - Substitute for gnome run dialog in Ubuntu -- Ubuntu Geek

by Yann_L
‘Gmrun’ is a run-program utility that provides bash-like TAB completion and history, the ability to run commands in a terminal using CTRL-Enter. CTRL-R/CTRL-S may be used for history searches, similar to ‘bash’.


Home - GNOME Live!

by jdrsantos & 1 other is a collaborative web space for GNOME developers.

La programmation orientée objet en C avec GOject - Première partie : les classes

by gege2061
Dans ce premier tutorial consacré à la bibliothèque GObject, nous allons aborder les notions essentielles qui vous permettrons de créer vos premier objets en C.


Perl GTk2

by esion
Création d'interface gtk2 pour perl

Gaphor - DevjaVu

by jdrsantos & 1 other
Gaphor is an easy to use modelling environment. This means that you are able to create nice UML diagrams for documentation and to assist you with design decisions. Gaphor will help you create your applications.

WebKit - Trac

by batiste
Webkit wiki. Qt and GTK ports are progressing.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag gtk

cours +   glade +   glib +   gnome +   gobject +   gtk+ +   gui +   howto +   programming +   pygtk +   python +   slide +   themes +   tutorial +   tutoriel +  

Active users

last mark : 12/04/2010 12:57

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 12/01/2010 13:02

last mark : 25/11/2009 16:33

last mark : 08/03/2009 13:35

last mark : 11/11/2008 17:14

last mark : 23/02/2008 22:17

last mark : 20/02/2008 18:23

last mark : 22/01/2008 13:30

last mark : 19/12/2007 15:17

last mark : 08/10/2007 11:00

last mark : 27/08/2007 18:34

last mark : 21/07/2007 14:13