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Digital Camera Reviews and News: Digital Photography Review: Forums, Glossary, FAQ

by sbrothier & 63 others
Here you will find all the latest digital photography and imaging news, reviews of the latest digital cameras and accessories, the most active discussion forums, a large selection of sample galleries, a digital camera database and buyers guide and the most comprehensive database of digital camera features and specifications. We believe in quality, original, unbiased content. Make us your home page, add us to your bookmarks or to your Google Toolbar. We have had 803,532,612 visits since January 1999.

Steampunk Keyboard Mod

by sbrothier & 1 other
My goal with this project was to build a retro keyboard that was fully functional and of a sufficient quality that it could be used everyday by a touch typist. In order to achieve this I chose a high quality (though widely available) keyboard as my starting point. This is an IBM Model M "Clicky" keyboard. They were made starting in the mid 1980's and a version is still manufactured today. This particular keyboard was made in 1989 and shipped with and IBM PowerStation 530, a UNIX box the size of a kegerator.


Etymotic Research, Inc. - High-fidelity Earphones and Hearing Instrumentation

by sbrothier & 1 other
Etymotic makes the world's finest in-the-ear earphones. We invented the technology in 1983 and have been perfecting it ever since through extensive research.

Treehugger: Panasonic's New Micro Fuel Cell for Portable Electronics

by sbrothier
a laptop using this fuel cell is able to achieve up to 20 hours of runtime


by arnet & 4 others covers hardware reviews and features, case modification, enthusiast gaming as well as providing the latest news and a balance of editorial opinion.

One-hand Keyboard

by sbrothier
It's a pocket-sized, wearable keyboard supported and operated with one hand. It produces all the usual characters with relatively few keys which are pressed in groups, i.e., chords. Production models would include (at least) a miniature joystick or other mouse-like abilities.

Maltron Keyboards - Special needs

by sbrothier (via)
MALTRON single handed keyboards have been developed as a logical step forward to meet the needs of those who must perform keyboard operations with one hand.

MIT Media Lab: $100 Laptop

by sbrothier & 12 others (via)
The MIT Media Lab has launched a new research initiative to develop a $100 laptop—a technology that could revolutionize how we educate the world's children. To achieve this goal, a new, non-profit association, One Laptop per Child (OLPC), has been created. The initiative was first announced by Nicholas Negroponte, Lab chairman and co-founder, at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland in January 2005.

Interview | Artemy Lebedev on "The Optimus Keyboard"

by sbrothier & 1 other
Hopefully our keyboard will show the light in a year or so.

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last mark : 05/09/2007 19:50

last mark : 09/11/2005 21:48