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PUBLIC MARKS with tags howto & debian

September 2008

XEN Cluster HowTo

by camel
I have tried to run both Debian Etch and Ubuntu 8.04 Server on the cluster nodes, in Dom0. I started my tests with Debian, but I had some issues with slow samba performance in one VM that I couldn't fix so I decided to try Ubuntu Server, for the first time. Both installation went OK, the main difference was that I used mainly source code in Debian, but only packages in Ubuntu. I actually ran into more problems with Ubuntu due to some early bugs in the 8.04 release, will describe them below as I go along. And I have still to prove that running this setup in Ubuntu is stable.

April 2008

February 2008

Automated security updates in Debian « N0T a Blog

by mbertier & 3 others (via)
Subscribing to the security mailing lists is a must for every sysadmin, but who has the stamina and the determination to actually read them, and then analyze the impact of both the threat and the proposed fix? A more casual user with no life-or-death-critical servers would happily settle for a solution that would download and install the security patches automatically. As always in Linux, there is more than one way of achieving this. cron-apt works for me.

January 2008

Howto Install Windows XP / Vista on Xen

by camel
This short guide describes how to install Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server on Xen. It provides an overview of the Debian Linux Etch installation, and detailed steps for installing and configuring Xen and starting the Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server installation.

September 2007

August 2007

How to make deb packages

by mbertier & 1 other (via)
This detailed how-to shows all the necessary components of a package and how to put them together to end up with a final product.

May 2007

April 2007

March 2007

Daniel Sloan's Website : OreonGettingStarted

by camel
Daniel Sloan's Website : OreonGettingStarted

Nagios 2.5 and Oreon 1.3 (Nagios web frontend) installation in Debian with Screenshots

by camel
Nagios 2.5 and Oreon 1.3 (Nagios web frontend) installation in Debian with Screenshots

quick_howto [Qmail Vpopmail Debian Wiki]

by camel
quick_howto [Qmail Vpopmail Debian Wiki]

January 2007

Installer un serveur de fichiers Samba sur debian - Henol

by holyver (via)
Samba permet de partager des dossiers sous Linux avec des ordinateurs locaux sous Windows, très pratique, donc ! De plus, il permet d’établir un réseau relativement sécurisé grâce à ses nombreuses fonctions.

Installation et sécurisation d'une station Debian 3.0 stable - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones

by holyver (via)
L'objectif de cette installation est de permettre à un serveur Win32 d'accéder à la station Debian en Netbios de facon à ce qu'il puisse récuperer les données sauvegardees que nous mettons à sa disposition. La gestion du backup du système en lui même est présentée dans la partie '4.11.

December 2006

November 2006

Apt Howto

by Léonux
plusieurs pages sur les commandes dpkg et apt utiles à ceux qui utilisent des distributions Linux basées sur Debian

October 2006

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag howto

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