May 2006
No Media Kings » How to Silkscreen Posters and Shirts
by urbanfoto & 5 othersSilkscreening is such a great happy medium — nestled comfortably half-way between hand-drawn and mass production, more colourful than photocopying and with an aesthetic all its own. Artist Shannon Gerard broke out her silkscreening gear to make cool shi
March 2006
PHP for Beginners - By a Beginner
by urbanfoto & 7 othersLearn PHP at the same speed as me! There's plenty of tutorials to get your teeth into!
February 2006
Nicholas Roussos: How-To Wipe Your Computer Clean
by urbanfoto & 4 othersA week ago, I looked at my desktop and felt sick. Almost every square inch was covered with icons that basically equated to pure junk. I knew my computer was in desperate need of a clean start. I had to think out the process so I didn't loose anything an
A Guide to Yahoo! Social Media Tools
by urbanfoto & 1 otherYahoo! now offers several free interactive tools for publishers, bloggers, and podcasters -- for anyone who creates content for the web. It's a breeze to add simple action buttons to a web page to make it easy for users to share, save, or blog about your
January 2006
What is RSS (Really Simple Syndication)?
by urbanfotoRSS or Really Simple Syndication is a useful tool for keeping updated on your favorite websites. RSS makes use of an XML code that constantly scans the content of a website for updates and then broadcasts those updates to all subscribers through a feed.
Creating a Photoblog in TypePad Pro
by urbanfotoDiscussed: TypePad's advanced templates Most features of the site can only be accomplished with TypePad Pro. Other account levels don't have the ability to change the CSS or create advanced templates. I decided to use TypePad over MovableType or other ve
The Last Minute: links into Typepad
by links into Typepad daily posts
December 2005
(21 marks)