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PUBLIC MARKS with tags howto & linux



File System Capacity Alert script

by alamat (via)
# This script can be used to # warn the users that # the file system is getting full



Le partitionnement — wiki.debian-fr

by cascamorto & 1 other
Le partitionnement La question rituelle, et inévitable, lorsqu'on installe Debian, c'est comment organiser mes partitions...


Transfer only selected file types with rsync | Open Source Technical Blog

by sylvainulg (via)
find source -name "*.png" -print0 | rsync -av --files-from=- --from0 ./ ./destination/ or rsync -av --include='*/' --include='*.png' --exclude='*' source/ destination/


Linux initial RAM disk (initrd) overview

by sylvainulg (via)
copying an existing initrd file, using cpio commands as described in linux/Documentation/initrd.txt might not always be sufficient...


118910.png (PNG Image, 709x424 pixels)

by sylvainulg (via)
DVD authoring on linux : from bits to pits.


How-to install subversion

by sdaclin
Documentation d'installation Subversion sur centos. Cette documentation est vraiment très exhaustive et pragmatique. Une référence pour monter un serveur SVN rapidement. Le seul manque c'est le script d'export quotidien vers un FTP par exemple des dumps de base en vue de sauvegarder les données.

Command-line Fu < The best UNIX commands on the web

by cascamorto & 9 others (via)
Command-Line-Fu is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again.

Linux on Laptops

by cascamorto & 5 others
Reports on running Linux on notebook or laptop computers.


Forum / Script graphique - LiVeUsb mode Persistent

by cascamorto & 1 other
Script graphique permettant la création d'une clé usb : LiVeUsb + mode Persistent -- Versions supportées officiellement: Ubuntu / Xubuntu / Edubuntu / Kubuntu

Documentation Ubuntu Francophone - Comment installer Ubuntu sur une clé ou un disque USB en mode persistant

by cascamorto
Le principe d'un système live (Live CD ou Live USB (depuis_une_cle_usb)) est de ne pas toucher aux disques de la machine. Ce qui fait qu'à l'arrêt de la machine vous perdez toutes vos données accumulées pendant la session "live". Avec le mode persistant il est possible de garder vos modifications (patchs, applications installées, etc.)

linuxwave: Using gnu screen

by camel (via)
Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes. In short, you can have a few virtual terminal by using only one physical terminal. Screen is useful when you are accessing servers remotely, or running jobs on the background. When you want to run jobs on the background, it is very useful to run it inside one screen so that you can detached it, and simply log out without worry. Below are a few useful command to be used with screen to get you started.

Mon mémo sur sed - La page de GnunuX

by camel (via)
Sed me permet de modifier des fichiers rapidement. Voici une liste d'exemple, qui me servira de mémo. L'option "-i" fait les modifications directement dans le fichier.

InsiaAdminSys – Formation Bearstech

by camel
Administration système ¶ Il est sous-entendu que ces cours concernent les systèmes d'exploitation de type Unix, en particulier GNU/Linux, et parfois FreeBSD.

Installing Zivios Server On Ubuntu | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel
This howto explains installing Zivios Master Service version 0.5.0. Zivios is an n-tiered PHP-5 application, providing identity management, single sign-on, user, group and computer provisioning, as well as remote management of services. It uses MySQL and OpenLDAP as it's data store, with OpenLdap being the primary back end for identity management and application integration and MySQL being used for panel specific data.

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