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Manipulation vidéo avec la balise canvas - HTML Redirection 1 | MDN

by Krome
En combinant les possibilités de l'élément video avec celles de l'élément canvas, vous pouvez manipuler les données vidéos en temps réel, et y incorporer une variété d'effet visuels. Ce tutoriel, adapté de ce blog par Paul Rouget, explique comment réaliser un travail d'incrustation chroma-keying (fond vert) en utilisant JavaScript.


Migrating from Ember.js to AngularJS « Otaku, Cedric's blog

by oseres (via)
I recently spent some time converting a medium-sized Javascript application using Ember.js to AngularJS, here are a few thoughts about the migration. First of all, why migrate at all? The Ember.js code is based on a 0.9x version and as Ember.js is approaching 1.0, I was growing increasingly nervous at the thought of porting the application to 1.0 considering the number of breaking changes that the new version contains (nothing wrong with that, it’s the risk you take when you use a pre-release version). Since there would be major work involved, I thought that taking another look at Angular wouldn’t hurt. Overall, Angular is a much more extensive framework than Ember. On top of offering a binding/MVC framework, Angular supports: Modules. You pick and choose which functionalities you want and you can create modules of your own code as well. Injection and testability. This should come as no surprise since one of Angular’s main developers, Misko, is a regular poster on Google’s testing blog. Support for partials and inclusion of templates. This is another thing I really missed with Ember.js, which offers no easy way to break down your HTML templates into smaller, more manageable files. Angular allows you to do this either through routes and partials or straight inclusion of files. Documentation. While the Ember.js documentation is fairly large, I found it very unorganized and I often resorted to searching the page to find what I need. In contrast, Angular’s documentation follows a clean structure where each page contains a full example of the concept being explained (a trend I wish more documentations followed: with this kind of model, it doesn’t matter much if your documentation is well written as long as the code samples work. Also, I really like the way they present the code in these samples, with individual panels for the HTML, Javascript and any other file you might need).



What’s Next in HTML, episode 1

by marco
The big news in HTML is r4439, which adds the device element. [...] The idea is that a device element would go hand in hand with a video element and a web socket.


HTML is soooo dead

by nhoizey
Voilà un site de partage de photo, vidéo, musique et blog qui a tout de ses classiques concurrents faits en HTML, mais c'est du full Flash. Bin oui, pourquoi faire KISS quand on peut faire compliqué, non standard, inaccessible, lent, compatible IE6, etc. ?


Faire fonctionner le plugin HTML Validator sur Ubuntu - Blog - Ingenieur multimedia IMAC

by camel
Comme son nom l'indique, le "plugin html validator" permet de vérifier la syntaxe de vos pages html 4.01 et xhtml et de comptabiliser le nombre d'erreur. Une fois l'extension ajoutée, le simple raccourci CTRL U permet d'afficher la source et lancer le test. Pour ne pas être déçu du non fonctionnement de l'extension vous devez installer les paquets libxul-dev et libstdc 5 (testé sous la version 8.04 hardy heron)

SPARQLScript - Semantic Mashups made easy - benjamin nowack's blog

by greut

a script that integrates status notices from my twitter and feeds, and then creates an HTML "lifestream" snippet.

a SPARQL-based scripting language.

Comet Daily » Blog Archive » The Future of Comet: Part 2, HTML 5’s Server-Sent Events

by greut

Comet doesn’t have to be a hack. Currently, as we saw last time, Comet relies on undocumented loopholes and workarounds, each one with some drawbacks. We can make Comet work effectively in every browser, using streaming transports on subdomains of the same second-level domain, or using script tag long polling across domains. But this leaves Comet developers implementing (and more frustratingly, debugging) several transports across several browsers. Traps are numerous and easy to stumble into.

event-source is the future of all Comet things.

- meomi cloud house -

by ma~ & 7 others
un blog en forme de maison

rosa B - If Everybody had an Ocean. Brian Wilson une exposition

by ma~ & 2 others
tres joli site html Conception graphique Didier Lechenne


Lancement de l'Email Standards Project - Blog Alsacréations : XHTML, CSS et Standards web

by julie (via)
Email standards project. Les standards, c'est bien, si ça marchait dans les emails, ça serait mieux.

Pro und Kontra sine SEO

by helmeloh
Betrachtung zum "no follow" Attribut.

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