public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags ie9 & standards

October 2010

IE 9 does not resize text sized in pixels | 456 Berea Street

by Monique
It would be great if IE behaved the same way as other browsers.

March 2010

Microsoft, you should be ashamed - <Glazblog/>

by srcmax (via)

Yes. And despite the very nice IE 9 preview that shows real progress on Web Standards. I just found that page that shows, holly miracle, that MSIE9 Preview passes 100% of the tests written by... the IE team and submitted to the W3C. Isn't that cool? Isn't that cool to show that IE9 passes these tests while other browsers don't? It easily forgets that there are thousands of other tests that IE does not pass, that there are tons of specs that Mozilla, Webkit and Opera all implement but not Microsoft...

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag ie9

a11y +   accessibilité +   Aria +   aria-describedby aria-labelledby +   mathml +  

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last mark : 25/10/2010 10:43

last mark : 19/03/2010 09:27