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PUBLIC MARKS with tags interface & mobile


'Pinch' connects multiple smartphones and tablets together to make a display | The Verge

by sbrothier
Not content with synchronizing your phones to make one giant speaker? Researchers at the Tokyo University of Technology have developed "Pinch," an interface that lets you connect multiple devices together to form a giant disjointed display. Although the technology behind the interface remains a mystery — described only as a Wi-Fi based system — a video posted by DigInfo TV shows Pinch in action. To connect two devices, a user simply needs to pinch two adjacent screens together. The screens can be linked together in whatever alignment you choose, as the position and screen size of each display is communicated on a successful pinch. It's not the first time developers have managed to link together multiple smartphone displays, but this is definitely the slickest interface we've seen.



by gregg
Free sketch templates for web, mobile and tablet. If you're designing a website or app, these simple templates are designed to help you sketch your ideas on paper.



jQuery Mobile | jQuery Mobile

by Xavier Lacot & 8 others
A multi-mobile-browsers javascript framework, which provides UI elements for building application-like interfaces. This library is built on jQuery and jQuery UI.

ProtoFluid - HTML5 and CSS3 Web App Prototyping

by kloh & 6 others
Pour tester le rendu d'un site sur mobile (iphone/ipad/nexus one/droid)

MicroSoft et sa nouvelle interface de Windows Phone 7 series - Etienne Mineur archives

by lilolipop
Démo (en flash! non en Silverlight;-) de la future interface du système Windows Phone 7 series.

ELSE Mobile

by gregg
Fausse bonne idée d'interface ?


21 iPhone Apps With Fantastic Interface Designs | LOOKS.GD Design Magazine

by sbrothier & 1 other
The iPhone has been one of the most popular mobile devices since its release in 2007 due to its innovative design and attractive interface. With the launch of the App Store, many third-party applications for the iPhone were submitted by developers. This article showcases iPhone software handpicked from the App Store with beautifully designed interfaces.

BoulevArt ¦ home ¦ your multimedia production partner

by sbrothier
High-end web development, (Interactive) User Interface Design and Rich Internet Applications are valuable assets for your online business. Boulevart helps you create stunning websites, attractive campaigns and user friendly applications and make them easily accessible. We offer an end-to-end range of multimedia services, complemented by partnerships with best-of-breed solution vendors and related to Cronos, a leading Belgian ICT solutions provider. Boulevart is a dynamic team of web consultants who bring complementary skills and experience to your online, narrow casting or iDTV projects.

Android GUI PSD | Android interface elements in PSD

by sbrothier & 2 others
Phohotoshop file with elements of Android 1.5 GUI to help open-source community with application mock-ups.


AVE!Comics, la bande dessinée numérique sur iPod, iPhone, téléphone portable ou ordinateur

by sbrothier
A mi-chemin entre la bande dessinée papier et le film d’animation, la solution Ave!Comics donne une nouvelle dimension à la lecture de bandes dessinées numériques sur ordinateurs, iPods ou télephones portables. Consultation, achat, échange et lecture nomade ne sont que quelques-uns des aspects d’une plateforme révolutionnaire dévoilée en janvier 2009 à l’occasion du Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d’Angoulême.

320480 ~ ThreeTwentyFourEighty

by sbrothier
iPhone Interface psd file v1.0, most iPhone screen elements, sensible layer sets. Perfect for designing your site / app

iPhone GUI PSD

by sbrothier & 4 others
Over the past few months we’ve had to create a few iPhone mock ups for presentations. The problem we’ve encountered is the lack of resources to help us design something efficiently. Up until now we’ve used a nice PSD from but we still found ourselves having to build out additional assets or heavily modifying bitmap based buttons and widgets.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag interface

cool +   macs +   quicksilver +   quicksliver +   software +   tools +  

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