March 2008
by is a fun, easy-to-use website that gives women the opportunity to “try on” the hottest makeup and hairstyle looks from the convenience of their homes
by thw416ReadTheWords is a free online service that will read any text you enter aloud.
revou—MicroBlog 社会化平台程序
by is proud to announce the release of our first version of ReVou Micro Blogging software, a twitter clone script that allows you to start your own twitter and jaiku social networking site
by thw416Maybe you want to know how you would look like with a different hair cut, in a famous picture or in a cd cover…
by thw416Luminotes is a WYSIWYG personal wiki notebook for organizing your notes and ideas. You don’t have to use any special markup codes or install any software. You simply start typing.
by thw416Paste in your text and you get a URL that you can give to anyone… when they go there, bam! Your nicely formatted text. Possible Reasons For Use
by thw416VerveEarth is mapping the internet’s content onto a global map. Discover the voices of your world. Get started by exploring the map or registering to add your blog.
by thw416Chatterous is a service that lets you talk to your friends across the web, im, email and your phone.
by thw416Heysan! is a mobile web based service that lets you use your MSN, AIM, ICQ, Yahoo and GTalk accounts in your mobile phone - for free!
February 2008
December 2007
October 2007
by thw416BackTrackr is in public beta at the moment. We are developing and designing a powerfull and intelligent trackback system for twitter
September 2007
by thw416give it two people and it'll combine them, to create a new person with the facial features of both.
August 2007
June 2007
香格里拉: 互聯網動員力量不可擋
by Blog-you (via)引文:這陣子網路上大熱的惡搞MV《福佳始終有你》、和早前因中大學生報引發的一連串聯署和投訴潮,都顯示香港民間社會愈來愈掌握網絡的運用,影響及監察主流傳媒。也許有一天,網民和網絡上的民間媒體,會成為社會的「第五權」;虛擬和現實的公民社會連結一起,抗衡令人失望的官僚和主流媒體。
May 2007
March 2007
by Blog-you (via)引: 我的理解是,劉進圖所稱的「新聞價值」,決定權在於在新聞機構工作的把關人(Gatekeeper)手上,做決定的根據,除了新聞學所授的理論及經驗累積之外,亦有可能受機構文化甚或上司意志的影響;至於「核心價值」,則又與之前鄭經翰談及窄播時的話有點相似,就是受眾看甚麼聽甚麼,是要由在傳媒機構工作的「專家」(或至少「經驗豐富者」)告訴的,隱含一種「精英」的味道。但是近年提倡草根媒介/公民記者理論的人所反對的,正正就是這一個態度--打破傳傳統媒體的壟斷,不要由媒介告訴我們要看甚麼(資訊、觀點、等等),而是由我們決定看甚麼。