public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag internship


International Scholarships: Henry Luce Foundation Scholarship

by infokerja & 1 other
International Scholarships: Henry Luce Foundation Scholarship

International Scholarships: Australia: Internships for International Students

by infokerja & 1 other
International Scholarships: Australia: Internships for International Students

International Scholarships: USA: Internships in America

by infokerja & 1 other
International Scholarships: USA: Internships in America

International Scholarships: UK: General Assistant Internships

by infokerja & 1 other
International Scholarships: UK: General Assistant Internships

International Scholarships: UK: Fair Trading Internships

by infokerja & 1 other
International Scholarships: UK: Fair Trading Internships

International Scholarships: UK: Middlesex University Internship

by infokerja & 1 other
International Scholarships: UK: Middlesex University Internship

International Scholarships: UK: Fiscal Studies Internship

by infokerja & 1 other
International Scholarships: UK: Fiscal Studies Internship

International Scholarships: UK: Students Internships

by infokerja & 1 other
International Scholarships: UK: Students Internships

International Scholarships: Malaysia: Agilent Company Internship

by infokerja & 1 other
International Scholarships: Malaysia: Agilent Technologies Internship


boardgaming + dgs visit + lkj's email

by ryanne
[tuesday, 31 may 2005] yesterday: almost ten hours non-stop boardgaming with kirk, kris, kitty, ava and yorkie...XDDD....from ticket to ride europe 2005 to carcassonne to bohnanza to san juan...jung yau contract bridge......haha so bin visi


by ryanne
[wednesday, 01 june 2005] tiring faces after the first day...

a productive day

by ryanne
[tuesday, 07 june 2005] an extremely productive day!!! completed ALL THREE tasks due today and tmr...this includes researching on whether HK courts are bound by decisions made by japanese appellate courts and whether an action on 'money had and received'

CFA + law society + photos . . .

by ryanne
[wednesday, 08 june 2005] since i keep an offline diary of my work at the law firm i'm not going to spell everything out here again...all i'm gonna say is that the CFA directions hearing was pretty entertaining and this is my first time seeing Edward Chan

flickr freebies + trio tickets

by ryanne
[thursday, 09 june 2005] 今天 law firm 發生了一件不愉快事件....不願再提...@__@ 我竟然慢了兩拍, 出了Flickr Schwag 都唔知!schwag [noun]: 1. free/extra goods, usu. given to employees or workers 2. low grade marijuana buy jor tick

no energy left

by ryanne
[tuesday, 14 june 2005] i'm burning out...

winning over myself

by ryanne
[tuesday, 21 june 2005] it's been a race against time and a battle against pressure with moments of despair and hours of exasperation today i suddenly realized that it wasn't time that i defeated, not pressure i conquered it was me....that i completely w

internship ends

by ryanne
[thursday, 30 june 2005] internship has finally came to an end...what i miss most will be the many moments of laughter we shared, all safely recorded in my 53 pages of offline diary :) the memory of june 2005 shall forever become a part of me. looking for


Offres de stage étudiant

by manuuk
recherche de stage avec LE FIGARO étudiant


by manuuk & 1 other
L'adresse emploi des Jeunes Diplomés CDI, CDD, CTT, Stage, Contrat de professionnalisation, Job. Trouvez un emploi qui vous intéresse grâce à nos 8054 offres en ligne

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag internship

cfa +   firm +   hearing +   law +   lawsociety +   legal +   presentation +   ticon +   visit +  

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last mark : 03/05/2006 20:02

last mark : 31/08/2005 05:37

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