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PUBLIC MARKS with tags java & testing




JWebUnit - JWebUnit 1.x

by bhenriet & 2 others
JWebUnit is a Java framework that facilitates creation of acceptance tests for web applications. It evolved from a project where we were using JUnit to create acceptance tests. Also, we can have different testing engines. Currently, only HtmlUnit plugin i

Open Source Testing Tools in Java

by bhenriet & 2 others
List of Open Source Testing Tools in Java

The Grinder, a Java Load Testing Framework

by bhenriet & 1 other
The Grinder is a JavaTM load-testing framework. It is freely available under a BSD-style open-source license. The Grinder makes it easy to orchestrate the activities of a test script in many processes across many machines, using a graphical console applic


jWebUnit - jWebUnit 1.x

by holyver & 6 others (via)
jWebUnit is a Java framework that facilitates creation of acceptance tests for web applications. It evolved from a project where we were using JUnit to create acceptance tests. Also, we can have different testing engines. Currently, only HtmlUnit plugin is ready. As the tests were being written, they were continuously refactored to remove duplication and other bad smells in the test code. jWebUnit is the result of these refactorings.

Eclipse TPTP

by chickenfire & 1 other
Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag java

glassfish +   hibernate +   j2ee +   jpa +   toplink +   tutorial +   web +  

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Xavier Lacot
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last mark : 14/06/2006 02:05